Media Center Error, URGENT!!



Hi, I have Windows Vista RC2 Build 5744. I have Media Center and I have an
issue with it. It used to work but now I have a problem. When I start the
program it comes up with the error " Setup Error, The Configuration settings
for your region cannot be determined. Please restart your computer and try
again." Well I have restarted my laptop 4 times and still no luck. I don't
know what to do. It worked fine when I had RC1 and it used to work well on
RC2. Now when I need to use it, it fails. Any ideas? Thanks in advance


When you say "When I start the program ..." are you referring to Vista or
Media Center? If the Media Center the reference is probably do to DVD


When I start Media Center, sorry I should've been more specific. So how do I
fix my DVD configuration. I honestly have to say this has totally confused me.


I have had this problem in the past, I had exactly the same error
In my case it was caused by my Date and Time settings I had the wrong time
zone setup in my date and time settings I corrected the time zone and it was
all good again.

I hope this helps


Yes there are 2 other things you can check.

The first is your "regional settings and language" (can be found in control
panel) open it and click on the location tab and make sure it's set to the
country your in.

The second thing your should check is your dvd drive settings and make sure
your "regional" setting is correct this can be found if you go into device
manager under the properties of you dvd drive. just a note if your drives
firmware has been flashed with a hacked firmware update that removes the
regional setting you may have to reflash it to it's original firmware.

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