Markups - Comments - Viewable Edits



I am trying to figure out how these things relate: View Markups, Comments,
and seeing changes to a document.

We use Powerpoint to generate a multi-page document that we use to provide
guidance for building a product. Each page contains a photo and text and
arrows about how to do an assembly step.

During the generation of this PP document and over time it gets edited. One
or two people may colaborate to generate and edit the document. A different
person is responsible for checking the document. It would be helpful to have
a way to see all the edits that have been done to the PP document. (Ideally
all the edits that have been done since the last time the document was
officially checked.)

It seems that View > Markups shows when people have added Comments via
Insert > Comment. But it doesn't catch changes that were done to the
document. Is there a way to do this in Powerpoint?

(I've noticed this ability in Word because I sometimes get documents that
show lots of little edits that were not added through Comments and I can
turn on and off the visibility of that using View > Markup.)



If you use PowerPoint 2002/2003, you can send the presentation to the other
persons using File - Send To - Mail Recipient for Review. You can make
changes and return the presentation to the author.
Then he/she can go through the presentation and keep or reject the changes
made. The comments can still be there to clarify why certain changes have
been made. Not quite the capabilties Word has but close.

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