Map couldn´t be made and lots of e-mail is disppearing



I have backed up my e-mail last weekend from OE 7 - Windows messages and
after re-installing my PC completely I tried to import all my e-mail again,
but after this process I got a lot of bad experiences.

A lot of my e-mail are missing totally and it seems that they did not back
up at all last week, so I can not import something that are gone - can I :-/
But I got the main folder imported but without e-mail and subfolders
What goes wrong?

Second question:
I can not create the subfolders in the empty folder I got a failure message
telling me:

The folder couldn´t be created. Some failure stop the process.

(danish to english translation - hope you understand :)
What goes wrong?

Third question:
When I move an e-mail from my inbox to some other folder the whole e-mail
disappear completely or the e-mail change is text o another e-mail text (have
tried that 5 times now)
What goes wrong?

My Vista 32-bit is update totally with SP1 and all after that :)

And I use ZoneAlarm Internet Security and I have tried to check about Virus
and Trojans, but I don´t get any messages about anything on my PC
Belarc Adviser also tells me that everything is fully updated and works

Hope someone can give me a clue about why my Windows Mail starts to behave
like this.
Friendly regards

Steve Cochran

There is a good chance that your antivirus software is the problem. Try
disabling email scanning or uninstall the antivirus software and then remove
your mail account and then close and restart WinMail and then add it back
again. Then see if you have the same issues. Also see point 3 here and the
section on WinMail ( as well as here for



Thx for the fast reply.
A lot of work so there will go some time before knowing the results :)
But just one thing before starting out my work in this matter and it is:
I have been using ZoneAlarm Internet Securioty Suite in about 4 years on my
desktop (this PC with Vista and before that XP) and my Laptop (with XP) and I
have never experienced this failure(s) at all. And I wonder if my earlier
e-mail backups was allright at all. I have done these backups once a month
for many years without having any need for restoring anything. But they are
important because I have a lot of registrationkeys and buying stuff proves in
a lot of my e-mails, so its in fact very important and if I can not count on
my system what shall I then do :-/

Steve Cochran

Unfortunately, ZA may not be keeping up with the Vista code. Many
manufacturers ignore the effects their software has on email.



Yes I agree with you in this matter. We pay many times to much for the
products. But in this case I haven´t experienced the problems with moving
e-mails or creating folders in Windows Mail before I re-installed my PC last
week. So I know it have been working all right before that time (Started with
Vista 32-bit back in july 2007). About the backups I can´t say while its the
first time I needed the recover the backup from Windows Mail.
And I have allready been on the OE5 help link - you gave me yesterday. And
downloaded the small repir software and tried it out. It didn´t change
anything in my case - my lost e-mail in the folders I have discovered the
problem was still missing after the repair attempt ..

But I will still try to read more about the problem - but right now (these
days) I´m a little short of time - but I will catch up on this matter next
wek :)
But ths for your replies an point of wievs ;)

I have also downloaded a copy of the new Windows 7 (2.4GB nice to have a
fast line) so now I work a little in that direction. I would like to find out
a bit more about alternative nstallations possiblities - I think of can I
have both Vista 32-bit and Windows 7 on one harddrive and after the trial
period can I then un-install Windows 7 with out any problem for my other
installation and things like. So I have a little to work with right now plus
all the other thing in my life :)))

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