Lost my DVD and CD drives



I partitioned an external hard drive with Partition Magix 7 but failed to
make a note of the old drive letters, Drive Mapper found no changes. When I
requested up-dates from Norton on Magix I got the following response: Windows
Installer is not correctly installed.
Hardware Wizard reports: A driver (service) for this device has been
disabled. An alternative Driver may be providing this funtionality. (code32)
Norton Disk Doctor reports: The operating system, or another process,
currently has exclusive access to this drive or some files.
That could be Vista which I installed on a second hard drive? Vista has no
problems finding the two ROM drives.
I hope there is a way out of this? Thanks


In nurmi had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I partitioned an external hard drive with Partition Magix 7 but
failed to make a note of the old drive letters, Drive Mapper found no
changes. When I requested up-dates from Norton on Magix I got the
following response: Windows Installer is not correctly installed.
Hardware Wizard reports: A driver (service) for this device has been
disabled. An alternative Driver may be providing this funtionality.
(code32) Norton Disk Doctor reports: The operating system, or another
process, currently has exclusive access to this drive or some files.
That could be Vista which I installed on a second hard drive? Vista
has no problems finding the two ROM drives.
I hope there is a way out of this? Thanks

See if this fixes it:

Missing CD/DVD Drives:

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes


Galen, thank you for the time you took. It was not wasted. It wont come as a
surprise to you, it did to me. It worked. Thank you big time!


In nurmi had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Galen, thank you for the time you took. It was not wasted. It wont
come as a surprise to you, it did to me. It worked. Thank you big

I am glad that it did fix it and grateful that you took a moment to let us
know that it worked. *grins* Sometimes we have to guess and/or wonder if the
fix suggested did work as the question asker doesn't always return to let us
know. Either way, I hope you find the site handy. I have some "free" time
and my webmaster does as well so we'll be putting up tons of new content
shortly hopefully.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"At present I am, as you know, fairly busy, but I propose to devote my
declining years to the composition of a textbook which shall focus the
whole art of detection into one volume." - Sherlock Holmes


Quidagis said:
It worked for me too, but in Windows Vista.

Thanks a lot!

What can be done if it did not work? It is not in my registry and I have
tried numerous methods to get my cd and dvd back. I did a clean install of XP
from 2000, (cd and dvd had to be there for the process to work), and when
done both drives were gone. I have tried the registry change, the update
driver method from the Windows knowledgebase, there was a vba script from
Kelly's XP a to z, downloaded and installed the drivers from the
manufacturer's site and checked them against the hardware list for
compatibility and still nothing.

Can you say wit's end?

Please does anyone have a way to get these drives back?

Samsung cdrw sw-248
H-L Data Storate dvd rom gdr-8162B



Hi Galen, Read your post and my situation is similar; Dvd does not recognize
disc. When I click on the drive it instructs me to put a disc into the
player. But nothing happens. Everything seems fine. Drive recognized and
healthy. I don't know what it could be other than a registry problem. When I
went in as u instructed Numi I found that my lower filter was already
misssing. I don't know what else might be gone as well. The upper ws there.
I deleted it and restarted the computer. No luck. Neither did windows
restore those keys on reboot' Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've
been dealing with this for a few weeks now.

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