Loosing exclusive access somehow



I start with exclusive access, but after my forms close I can't make edits
because I no longer have exclusive access.

(1) In my code, I close all objects I open, and I set them to nothing.

(2) No one else is opening the database.

(3) The .ldb file is created/destroyed at each open/close respectively.

Am I overlooking some code? or is something else causing this.

David Mueller


Hi, David.
Am I overlooking some code?

Probably. Is your code opening any other Database Objects within the same
Workspace Object? Is your code modifying any CommandBar Object?

If you can't find any culprits in the code, then use the LDB Viewer to watch
for when your workstation connects to the database file a second time,
thereby puting the database in shared mode. Perhaps you can backtrack from
there and determine what action caused the second connection.

Please see the following Web page for links to the free LDB Viewer and other
free diagnostic tools in the "Free Microsoft Access Troubleshooting Tools"



See http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
See http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.

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Indeed I am. Thanks. I found it.

I created a new workspace object, and now it's all good.

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