Last slide email back to me


David M. Marcovitz

My web site doesn't have an example that includes email, but it has other
options for quizzes (including creating a slide to print the results--see
Example 7.9).

Bill Foley has some code for sending the results via email. Hopefully,
he'll pop in here soon with an answer for you. Otherwise, you can poke
around on his site:


David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_


I got a presentation that has multi choice questions where the last slide
displays the number of questions the user got right. I want to put a button
on that last slide, that when clicked, sends that slide or the whole
presentation back to me. The code is below and I want to know what to add to
the bottom to make it do that.

Const NOOFQS = 11

'Used to manipulated the unicode values of bulleted lists
Const UD_CODE_1 = 111
Const UD_CODE_2 = 8226

Public QNo As Integer
Public ExitFlag As Boolean
Public Qs() As String
Public Choices() As String
Public Ans() As Integer
Public UserAns() As Integer

Sub NextSlide()
' Store the ans for later
'UserAns(QNo - 1) = 1
If QNo < NOOFQS Then
QNo = QNo + 1

nge.Text = Qs(QNo - 1)
Call StopQuiz
End If
End Sub
Sub PreviousSlide()
Static X As Integer
If QNo > 1 Then
QNo = QNo - 1
End If
End Sub
Sub StopQuiz(Optional EndType As Boolean = False)
' EndType is used as a boolean Flag to indicate whether the user ran out of
' or whether it was normal exit
Dim ScoreCard As Integer
Dim Ctr As Integer
ExitFlag = True
With SlideShowWindows(1)
For Ctr = 0 To NOOFQS - 1
If Ans(Ctr) = UserAns(Ctr) Then ScoreCard = ScoreCard + 1
Next Ctr

= "Your score is : " & ScoreCard & " correct out of " & NOOFQS

.View.GotoSlide (.Presentation.Slides("EndSlide").SlideIndex)
End With
End Sub

Sub StopIt()
Call StopQuiz(True)
End Sub

Sub BeginQuiz()
Dim Ctr As Integer
ReDim UserAns(NOOFQS)
ReDim Choices(NOOFQS, 3)

' All the questions and answers taken out
Qs(0) = "1) "
Qs(1) = "2) "
Qs(2) = "3) "
Qs(3) = "4) "
Qs(4) = "5) "
Qs(5) = "6) "
Qs(6) = "7) "
Qs(7) = "8) "
Qs(8) = "9) "
Qs(9) = "10) "
Qs(10) = "11) "

' Set all user answers to negative
For Ctr = 0 To NOOFQS - 1
UserAns(Ctr) = -1
Next Ctr

' All the choices 3 each for a question
Choices(0, 0) = " "
Choices(0, 1) = " "
Choices(0, 2) = " "

Choices(1, 0) = " "
Choices(1, 1) = " "
Choices(1, 2) = " "

Choices(2, 0) = " "
Choices(2, 1) = " "
Choices(2, 2) = " "

Choices(3, 0) = " "
Choices(3, 1) = " "
Choices(3, 2) = " "

Choices(4, 0) = " "
Choices(4, 1) = " "
Choices(4, 2) = " "

Choices(5, 0) = " "
Choices(5, 1) = " "
Choices(5, 2) = ""

Choices(6, 0) = " "
Choices(6, 1) = " "
Choices(6, 2) = " "

Choices(7, 0) = " "
Choices(7, 1) = " "
Choices(7, 2) = " "

Choices(8, 0) = " "
Choices(8, 1) = " "
Choices(8, 2) = " "

Choices(9, 0) = " "
Choices(9, 1) = " "
Choices(9, 2) = " "

Choices(10, 0) = " "
Choices(10, 1) = " "
Choices(10, 2) = " "

Ans(0) = 0
Ans(1) = 1
Ans(2) = 1
Ans(3) = 2
Ans(4) = 0
Ans(5) = 1
Ans(6) = 2
Ans(7) = 1
Ans(8) = 2
Ans(9) = 0
Ans(10) = 2
Ans(9) = 0

QNo = 1

With SlideShowWindows(1)
.View.GotoSlide (.Presentation.Slides("QSlide").SlideIndex)
End With
End Sub

Sub SetBulletUnicode(ShapeName As String, Code As Integer)
.UseTextFont = msoTrue
.Character = Code
End With
End Sub
Sub ButtonChoice1()
UserAns(QNo - 1) = 0
End Sub
Sub ButtonChoice2()
UserAns(QNo - 1) = 1
End Sub
Sub ButtonChoice3()
UserAns(QNo - 1) = 2
End Sub

Sub AssignValues()
SetBulletUnicode "Choice1", UD_CODE_1
SetBulletUnicode "Choice2", UD_CODE_1
SetBulletUnicode "Choice3", UD_CODE_1

Select Case UserAns(QNo - 1)
Case 0
SetBulletUnicode "Choice1", UD_CODE_2
Case 1
SetBulletUnicode "Choice2", UD_CODE_2
Case 2
SetBulletUnicode "Choice3", UD_CODE_2
End Select
With SlideShowWindows(1).Presentation.Slides("QSlide")
.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Qs(QNo - 1)
.Shapes("Choice1").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Choices(QNo - 1, 0)
.Shapes("Choice2").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Choices(QNo - 1, 1)
.Shapes("Choice3").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Choices(QNo - 1, 2)
End With
End Sub

Sub Send Email()

End Sub

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