John Walkenbach Color Palette (Repost)



This is a repost. I posted this yesterday but did not describe it properly.

I am using the JW color palette. I am using it to do the following:

1) Pass a color from palette to the backcolor property of a button on a
2) test to see if font color in specific cell matches backcolor property of

Firstly, when I call up the palette, most colors pass correctly to the
button on the userform. However the top left color (Black) will not pass to
the form. When I drag the cursor over the color black, the JW form tells me
that its RGB color is:

0 0 0

Why will this not turn the button black?

Secondly, in situations where the color passes correctly to the button, the
test to see if font color = button back color fails. For example, when I
pass red to the button (RGB(255,0,0)), the button turns red. However my test
for red font does not seem to work. The procedure is:

Public Function CellFontHasColour(rng As Range)
If rng.Font.Color = FontColorColBtn.BackColor Then
CellFontHasColour = True
End If
End Function

Yet in my immediate window I get:


My font is clearly red as illustratd by the 255. Yet my BackColor property
of the button which I clearly passed red to now says 12632256.

I must admit I am really struggling with the whole colour issue in VBA.


Jim Rech

I don't know why your button's backcolor isn't behaving but this code, which
shows how to convert a Color value to its RGB constituents might help your

Sub ReturnRGB()
Dim r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte
Dim x As Long
x = 12632256
LongToRGB x, r, g, b
MsgBox "r = " & r & Chr(10) & "g = " & g & Chr(10) & "b = " & b
End Sub

Sub LongToRGB(lColor As Long, r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)
r = CByte(lColor And &HFF&)
g = CByte((lColor And &HFF00&) \ &HFF&)
b = CByte((lColor And &HFF0000) \ &HFFFF&)
End Sub

| This is a repost. I posted this yesterday but did not describe it
| I am using the JW color palette. I am using it to do the following:
| 1) Pass a color from palette to the backcolor property of a button on a
| userform
| 2) test to see if font color in specific cell matches backcolor property
| button
| Firstly, when I call up the palette, most colors pass correctly to the
| button on the userform. However the top left color (Black) will not pass
| the form. When I drag the cursor over the color black, the JW form tells
| that its RGB color is:
| 0 0 0
| Why will this not turn the button black?
| Secondly, in situations where the color passes correctly to the button,
| test to see if font color = button back color fails. For example, when I
| pass red to the button (RGB(255,0,0)), the button turns red. However my
| for red font does not seem to work. The procedure is:
| Public Function CellFontHasColour(rng As Range)
| If rng.Font.Color = FontColorColBtn.BackColor Then
| CellFontHasColour = True
| End If
| End Function
| Yet in my immediate window I get:
| ?rng.Font.Color
| 255
| ?FontColorColBtn.BackColor
| 12632256
| My font is clearly red as illustratd by the 255. Yet my BackColor
| of the button which I clearly passed red to now says 12632256.
| I must admit I am really struggling with the whole colour issue in VBA.
| Thanks

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