It will be a landslide for Bush


Jim Macklin

The claim that Bush started the war with Iraq because Saddam
tried to kill his father. The claim that Bush knew about
911 in advance. The claim that Bush should have run around
in circles launching missiles at somebody. The whole movie
edit job was designed to slant such events as were shown.

If Michael Moore told me that the sun was hot, I would check
with NASA, because every movie that he has previously done
was full of fiction [polite word for lies and propaganda].

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

message | Jone Doe wrote:
| > 911 may have been "an awesome movie" but it was just a
movie. A bunch of
| > fiction done in documentary style to separate idiots
from their cash.
| Did you actually see it?
| If so, please tell me which part or parts were fictitious.
in message
| > | >
| >>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>And by the way, according to the Iraqi people
| >>
| >>they
| >>
| >>>overwhelmingly WANT democracy "forced down their
| >>
| >>How do you
| >>
| >>>explain that? Does George Bush have a gun held to their
| >>
| >>head to say that?
| >>
| >>Mabey. Maybe he had a gun held to their head ever since
| >>he decided to attack Iraq for absolutely no good reason.
| >>
| >>
| >>>Another huge lie in your propaganda machine. It is
| >>
| >>falling apart very
| >>
| >>>quickly for you. Bush will win in a landslide.
| >>>.
| >>>
| >>
| >>We will all win if Bush dies in a landslide! The world
| >>will simply be a better place. BTW, Fahrenheit 911 was
| >>awesome movie! You are a sad, sad, deranged ameriKKKan
| >>who has issues from past personal problems with every
| >>political and social post you make. That's right, go on
| >>ignoring the above truth even though we are practically
| >>yelling it at you, you mental, emotional, psychological,
| >>disgusting excuse for a human being!
| >
| >
| >
| > ---
| > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| > Checked by AVG anti-virus system
| > Version: 6.0.725 / Virus Database: 480 - Release Date:
| >
| >
| --
| --sexkitten--Want a taste of religion? Bite a minister.

David Candy

Speed of lies equals the ease of acceptance
Propaganda, maybe, but Fahrenheit 9/11 encourages vigilance about truth, writes Peter Hartcher. more
'Not happy John! Defending our democracy',

Jim Macklin said:
The claim that Bush started the war with Iraq because Saddam
tried to kill his father. The claim that Bush knew about
911 in advance. The claim that Bush should have run around
in circles launching missiles at somebody. The whole movie
edit job was designed to slant such events as were shown.

If Michael Moore told me that the sun was hot, I would check
with NASA, because every movie that he has previously done
was full of fiction [polite word for lies and propaganda].

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

message | Jone Doe wrote:
| > 911 may have been "an awesome movie" but it was just a
movie. A bunch of
| > fiction done in documentary style to separate idiots
from their cash.
| Did you actually see it?
| If so, please tell me which part or parts were fictitious.
in message
| > | >
| >>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>And by the way, according to the Iraqi people
| >>
| >>they
| >>
| >>>overwhelmingly WANT democracy "forced down their
| >>
| >>How do you
| >>
| >>>explain that? Does George Bush have a gun held to their
| >>
| >>head to say that?
| >>
| >>Mabey. Maybe he had a gun held to their head ever since
| >>he decided to attack Iraq for absolutely no good reason.
| >>
| >>
| >>>Another huge lie in your propaganda machine. It is
| >>
| >>falling apart very
| >>
| >>>quickly for you. Bush will win in a landslide.
| >>>.
| >>>
| >>
| >>We will all win if Bush dies in a landslide! The world
| >>will simply be a better place. BTW, Fahrenheit 911 was
| >>awesome movie! You are a sad, sad, deranged ameriKKKan
| >>who has issues from past personal problems with every
| >>political and social post you make. That's right, go on
| >>ignoring the above truth even though we are practically
| >>yelling it at you, you mental, emotional, psychological,
| >>disgusting excuse for a human being!
| >
| >
| >
| > ---
| > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| > Checked by AVG anti-virus system
| > Version: 6.0.725 / Virus Database: 480 - Release Date:
| >
| >
| --
| --sexkitten--Want a taste of religion? Bite a minister.

Corey Is Naked

Xomicron said:
And by the way, according to the Iraqi people themselves, they
overwhelmingly WANT democracy "forced down their throat". How do you
explain that? Does George Bush have a gun held to their head to say that?
Another huge lie in your propaganda machine. It is falling apart very
quickly for you. Bush will win in a landslide.

You are fooling yourself.. if thats the case they sure have a funny
way of showing it with chopping heads off and killing our brave men
and women..

get your head out of your ass son..



(e-mail address removed) (Corey Is Naked) wrote in
You are fooling yourself.. if thats the case they sure have a funny
way of showing it with chopping heads off and killing our brave men
and women..

And you are fooling yourself if you think a few terrorists represent most

Hilary Karp

Get lost idiot.
How do you

head to say that?

Mabey. Maybe he had a gun held to their head ever since
he decided to attack Iraq for absolutely no good reason.

falling apart very

We will all win if Bush dies in a landslide! The world
will simply be a better place. BTW, Fahrenheit 911 was an
awesome movie! You are a sad, sad, deranged ameriKKKan
who has issues from past personal problems with every
political and social post you make. That's right, go on
ignoring the above truth even though we are practically
yelling it at you, you mental, emotional, psychological,
disgusting excuse for a human being!


And by the way, according to the Iraqi people themselves, they
overwhelmingly WANT democracy "forced down their throat". How do you
explain that? Does George Bush have a gun held to their head to say that?
Another huge lie in your propaganda machine. It is falling apart very
quickly for you. Bush will win in a landslide.

Iraq is planning to (or has already) delcared martial law.

How democratic of them..



Heelgod said:
Iraq is planning to (or has already) delcared martial law.

How democratic of them..

What choice do they have? Until they can reinstate some sense of calm and
normal lifestyle and stop the insurgents...they really don't have much of a

Or do you just propose they allow people to be disorderly and continue to
commit terrorist activity?

David W. Barnes

Osprey said:
What choice do they have?

LOL! They have no choice but to renege on the idea of freedom and go
back to the policies of Saddam Hussein!
Until they can reinstate some sense of calm and
normal lifestyle and stop the insurgents...they really don't have much of a

The Nazi's always have an excuse for why they have the right to impose
their views on the people.
Or do you just propose they allow people to be disorderly and continue to
commit terrorist activity?

Is anything you oppose not a "terrorist activity?"


And by the way, according to the Iraqi people themselves, they
What choice do they have?

Very little, thanks to Bush.
Until they can reinstate some sense of calm and normal lifestyle and stop
the insurgents...they really don't have much of a choice.
Or do you just propose they allow people to be disorderly and continue to
commit terrorist activity?

No, I agree that martial law is probably the best course of action now.
Though if Bush wasn't too busy playing G.I. Joe, forgetting what war does to
a country, he could've done a bit better on his planning, and the situation
wouldn't be nearly as bad.

But yes, that is in the past, and martial is now the best choice.
Unfortunately, Bush set them on a path where democracy is a lot less
acceptable, since he didn't really set a good example of how a democratic
nation should act and perform in war.



David W. Barnes said:
LOL! They have no choice but to renege on the idea of freedom and go
back to the policies of Saddam Hussein!

The Nazi's always have an excuse for why they have the right to impose
their views on the people.

Is anything you oppose not a "terrorist activity?"

Once again Barnes shows that my description of his behavior is right.
He takes any opportunity to stoop to childish levels and make his remarks
personal but NEVER addresses the issues or provides any solutions.

His response in this post completely ignores the issue and he provides


Heelgod said:
Very little, thanks to Bush.

Regardless of who you want to blame, the point is they have no choice at
this time.

the insurgents...they really don't have much of a choice. to
commit terrorist activity?

No, I agree that martial law is probably the best course of action now.

Right, and hopefully it will not last long.
Though if Bush wasn't too busy playing G.I. Joe, forgetting what war does to
a country, he could've done a bit better on his planning, and the situation
wouldn't be nearly as bad.

I do agree with you, the planning was not good at all.

But yes, that is in the past, and martial is now the best choice.

Exactly, and it is refreshing to see that someone can avoid bringing up the
past and sticking to what is happening right now.

Unfortunately, Bush set them on a path where democracy is a lot less
acceptable, since he didn't really set a good example of how a democratic
nation should act and perform in war.

I am not going to say I disagree with you at all on that point. We have had
many failures in this war, now we got to find a way to fix them and work


Jone said:
It would be a bit lengthy to discuss in this forum, not to mention way way
way off topic.

I've got time, the topic of F9/11 was brought up, go ahead.

As you probably know, there are a dozen places you can
download this 'entertainment' if you have the time to waste. You might want
to expand the article and read it here: for an outline of

I saw a lot of whining about how bad Moore made Bush look, but nothing
about fabrications. So what part of the movie was untrue?

Lester Horwinkle

We will all win if Bush dies in a landslide! The world
will simply be a better place. BTW, Fahrenheit 911 was an
awesome movie! You are a sad, sad, deranged ameriKKKan
who has issues from past personal problems with every
political and social post you make. That's right, go on
ignoring the above truth even though we are practically
yelling it at you, you mental, emotional, psychological,
disgusting excuse for a human being!

Fahrenheit 911 was lame. The points put forth were contradictory. The
evidence was thin. Journalistic integrity was lacking. Verification of
evidence was non-existent. And the director's voice is heard from start to
finish, putting words in the mouths of those pictured, and laying down his
opinions over a series of disconnected clips.

It simply played on emotion.

Though the American left might laud it for portraying Bush in a bad light,
any intelligent person can see that its was little more than a taunting
piece, designed to play on emotion ... little more than a propagandist's

It is disappointing that American political discourse is shunted aside,
while rantings such as this pretend to be informative.


Lester Horwinkle said:
Fahrenheit 911 was lame. The points put forth were contradictory. The
evidence was thin. Journalistic integrity was lacking. Verification of
evidence was non-existent. And the director's voice is heard from start to
finish, putting words in the mouths of those pictured, and laying down his
opinions over a series of disconnected clips.

It simply played on emotion.

Though the American left might laud it for portraying Bush in a bad light,
any intelligent person can see that its was little more than a taunting
piece, designed to play on emotion ... little more than a propagandist's

It is disappointing that American political discourse is shunted aside,
while rantings such as this pretend to be informative.

Nobody got sued. Litigation always happens with the least variation
from the truth.

Jone Doe

Frank said:
Nobody got sued. Litigation always happens with the least variation
from the truth.
Is Superman real? There was a movie. No one got sued. Are the Rug Rats
real? There was a movie. No one got sued. It's called "entertainment"
even when it doesn't.


Xomicron said:
And by the way, according to the Iraqi people themselves, they
overwhelmingly WANT democracy "forced down their throat". How do you
explain that? Does George Bush have a gun held to their head to say that?
Another huge lie in your propaganda machine. It is falling apart very
quickly for you. Bush will win in a landslide.

I seriously doubt they want democracy at the cost of the needless deaths
of their relatives and neighbors. They just want to be left the ****
alone, man.


Jone Doe said:
911 may have been "an awesome movie" but it was just a movie. A bunch of
fiction done in documentary style to separate idiots from their cash.

Pfah, I sneaked in. No idiot I.

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