Is anyone familiar with 827667 knowledge base article?



Have a problem with opening a particular URL. Think KBA 827667
identifies most likely problem/fix but want to be sure before trying it.
It points to a Cumulative Security Patch for ie 5&6 being the problem
and difficulties arise when JavaScript functions use relative URLs to
open webpages (am fairly sure the problem URL is running such scripts
for authentication).

KBA 827667 only applies when a specific Cumulative Security Patch is
present (and installed, if need be). The solution is then to install a
update/fix. As far as I know, I never had the problem Cumulative Security
Patch - yet do have the specific update/fix which seems to have been
independently installed via windowsupdate - but without any effect??

If KBA 827667 is the correct fix, any advice on how to proceed would be
most welcome. Many thanks.


Robert Aldwinckle

Have a problem with opening a particular URL. Think KBA 827667
identifies most likely problem/fix but want to be sure before trying it.

Look at the version of module mshtml.dll in these two articles.

<title>KB827667 - "HTTP 404 - File Not Found" Error Message When You Try to Visit Web Pages That Are Opened by JavaScript Functions
in Frames or in Windows</title>

02-Oct-2003 19:26 6.0.2800.1269 2,799,104 Mshtml.dll

<TITLE>834489 - A security update is available that modifies the default behavior of Internet Explorer for handling user information

points to

[-] Security Update Information
[-] Internet Explorer 6 SP1 for Windows XP,...

22-Jan-2004 00:19 6.00.2800.1400 2,795,520 Mshtml.dll

The implication would be that KB827667 has been superseded
by KB824496 (the latest cumulative security update)

If you need more help please reply back with the result of the following
script fragment entered in your Address bar:


(It's just a easy way for you to record some of what you see when
you do Help,About Alt-H,A. The property name is case sensitive
so it may help to copy and paste rather than try to type it.)

Also, in case you are on the wrong track with your assumption that
maintenance level could fix the problem with your "particular URL",
if it is a publicly accessible page, why not disclose it? ;)


Robert Aldwinckle



Many thanks for this - very helpful and informative. Cumulative security
updates now fully up-to-date.

javascript:navigator.appMinorVersion useful to know about:
(Q330994 would seem to refer to Outlook Express). Operating System W98SE.

Unfortunately, vis-a-vis fix - back to sq1?? Problem with this one site -
<<Cannot find server or DNS error - believe 401 though cannot find error

If you don't mind, I have emailed the problem URL. My reticence in posting
it is that its is the "internal" address of a staff intranet. There is is
not a security issue as it leads to a Log In. Whilst I feel OK about
emailing URL to an individual - feel less comfortable about posting URL in
public forum.

I'd very much appreciate it if you can try and load the page and see whether
it opens/sheds any light. Many thanks.


Robert Aldwinckle said:
Look at the version of module mshtml.dll in these two articles.

<title>KB827667 - "HTTP 404 - File Not Found" Error Message When You Try
to Visit Web Pages That Are Opened by JavaScript Functions
in Frames or in Windows</title>

02-Oct-2003 19:26 6.0.2800.1269 2,799,104 Mshtml.dll

<TITLE>834489 - A security update is available that modifies the default
behavior of Internet Explorer for handling user information

points to

[-] Security Update Information
[-] Internet Explorer 6 SP1 for Windows XP,...

22-Jan-2004 00:19 6.00.2800.1400 2,795,520 Mshtml.dll

The implication would be that KB827667 has been superseded
by KB824496 (the latest cumulative security update)

If you need more help please reply back with the result of the following
script fragment entered in your Address bar:


(It's just a easy way for you to record some of what you see when
you do Help,About Alt-H,A. The property name is case sensitive
so it may help to copy and paste rather than try to type it.)

Also, in case you are on the wrong track with your assumption that
maintenance level could fix the problem with your "particular URL",
if it is a publicly accessible page, why not disclose it? ;)


Robert Aldwinckle

den said:
Have a problem with opening a particular URL. Think KBA 827667
identifies most likely problem/fix but want to be sure before trying it.
It points to a Cumulative Security Patch for ie 5&6 being the problem
and difficulties arise when JavaScript functions use relative URLs to
open webpages (am fairly sure the problem URL is running such scripts
for authentication).

KBA 827667 only applies when a specific Cumulative Security Patch is
present (and installed, if need be). The solution is then to install a
update/fix. As far as I know, I never had the problem Cumulative Security
Patch - yet do have the specific update/fix which seems to have been
independently installed via windowsupdate - but without any effect??

If KBA 827667 is the correct fix, any advice on how to proceed would be
most welcome. Many thanks.


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