IrfanView 3.90 released



That's very odd. The file I downloaded was named iview390.exe
Maybe the server that you chose from the Tucows list hadn't been
updated yet. This server has the 3.90 version for sure and it's fast:

The default tucows site that links from IrfanView still has a file
named *385 though the "blurb" on the page refers to *390.
To avoid problems I used your recommended link and found that 390 is
actually about 15 KB smaller than 385 -- now *there's* a precedent for
other developers to follow! :) [ Haven't tried the new version yet
though, in fact still using 370. :cool: ]

Cheers, Phred.



Andy Mabbett

Brian Tozer said:
Still does not allow the option of selecting all images in a folder
plus any subfolders as far as I can see. With the Contact Sheet being
automatically as tall as required for all to fit on the one sheet.
Without having to define the total number of images. Thus being very
useful for an index of archived images. Great pity.

Have you written to Irfan, asking for this?

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