IrfanView 3.9.2


Nicolaas Hawkins

I thought you Kiwis only did that when rejected by a sheep. ;-)

You are mistaking an Australian trait for a Kiwi trait. We have a level
of intelligence greater than they (or you) could aspire to in half a

John Corliss

Thorkild said:
Version 3.92 (Release date: 2004-08-20)


I've been using 3.70 for a long time now because of bugs in newer
versions. This newest version seems to have taken care of the problems
I was having with the program. Thanks for pointing it out.


You are mistaking an Australian trait for a Kiwi trait. We have a level
of intelligence greater than they (or you) could aspire to in half a

Ah! But here in Oz we live a full lifetime before we expire.
(However, I am pleased to hear you're brighter than a sheep.)

Cheers, Phred.

Chrissy Cruiser

I say baa to all that. I think ewe guys should feel sheepish about
carrying on this discussion. ;)


Good Lord, she has a sense of humor. Congrats, SB

Nicolaas Hawkins

Phred said:
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:43:46 GMT, Phred wrote in
On 22 Aug 2004 17:12:43 -0000, Irv Rabin wrote in

I say baa to all that. I think ewe guys should feel sheepish about
carrying on this discussion. ;)


He's just feeling a bit sheepish because he's run out of Velcro, Susan,
and he's trying to pull the wool over your eyes. What he needs is an
hydraulic ram.

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