Invoking IJG JPEG LIB from C#




We are writing an application wherein we have to display jpeg images,
we are thinking of using the IJG JPEG LIB written in C code. Will be
greatfull if someone could guide us as to how we can invoke or use the
IJG LIB through C#.

Thanks in Advance

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Masood said:

We are writing an application wherein we have to display jpeg images,
we are thinking of using the IJG JPEG LIB written in C code. Will be
greatfull if someone could guide us as to how we can invoke or use the
IJG LIB through C#.

Don't bother. Windows forms can already display JPEG images just fine. I'm
pretty sure that winforms (via GDI+) actually uses the IJG code - or
something better - under the covers.

See the System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (or .FromStream) methods for creating
an Image from a JPEG file (or stream). If you have the bits of a JPEG image
(e.g. from a database), simply wrap the buffer holding the bits in a
MemoryStream and then use Image.FromStream to decode the JPEG image.


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