Internet problem, Vista was RIGHT!!



So it's easy to gripe and complain about Vista irritations, isn't it? But I
have to admit Vista was right, and saved me from a problem:
I had just upgraded my AVG antivirus to a new version, and lost internet
connection. The network icon in rhe tray had a red X and I couldn't connect.
I assumed I had messed something up in the AVG intallation, so I tried all
the things needed to roll back to my previous time like uninstalling AVG, and
I also tried Windows restore. The internet did come back. But the next day it
went out again. System restore to a previous time worked again. The next day
no internet, and I couldn't get it back this time. During all this, I had
clicked on the network icon and clicked Diagnose and repair" but I foolishly
did not follow Vista's advice. It told me there was a driver or hardware
issue with my ethernet adapter. Well, I knew better didn't I? It can't be
that, it's the AVG I'm thinking. I did try updating the driver, but that
didn't help, so I just ignored Vista for a few days, getting more and more
frustrated because now NOTHING worked to get the internet back on.
Desperation led me to give in and put in a new PCI ethernet card, and disable
the onboard LAN............BINGO!!! internet is back!!
Brought me down a peg I'll say. Sometimes a coincidence is just a
coincidence. The problem just happened to occur after the AVG install, and
apparently the hardware issue was intermittent at first.
I know this, I will not dismiss the windows diagnostic so readily in future!!
Thanks Vista developers for that one!

Mick Murphy

If you were upgrading from AVG 7.5 to AVG 8.0, therein lies a problem.
I download and save(then open from Desktop, or Flash Drive for onsite work),
not RUN programs from websites.

Upgrading AVG on a customers computer, and the warning message from AVG as
you are installing it, is to get a "hotfix" from microsoft, OR if you
continue to install AVG 8.0, your computer will slow down, and lose internet

Obviously, AVG 8.0 has screwed your onboard LAN, NOT failed Hardware!

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