internet explorer question.....




I'm a (new) IE7 user and whenever I quit IE, all the tabs I've opened
automatically get closed. What should I do to make IE remember the
tabs and open the tabs when I open IE again?

Thank you

Marcin Domaslawski


When you want to close IE with few tabs there is a message box with closing
confirmation. When you click Options on it you will find 'Open these the
next time I use IE' option.

Marcin Domaslawski


Marcin Domaslawski said:

When you want to close IE with few tabs there is a message box with
closing confirmation. When you click Options on it you will find 'Open
these the next time I use IE' option.

Not on my IE7 there isn't.

Marcin Domaslawski


You havent confirmation message or this option ? If first Tools -> Internet
Options -> General tab -> Tabs section -> Settings. If 2nd - never met that

Marcin Domaslawski



When you want to close IE with few tabs there is a message box with closing
confirmation. When you click Options on it you will find 'Open these the
next time I use IE' option.

Thanks for the help Marcin. If this means that I have to face that
dialog every time I close IE, then IE sucks mighty lot. Opera doesn't
need that I do such monotonous tasks.

IE doesn't even come with integerated autofill option or mouse
gestures. I don't know why Microsoft didn't work on it with full
potential. IE could have been a super cool browser if they had done

Anyway thanks again


Got it here. "Show Options", bottom left on confirmation dialog box.
Options are - open these the next time I use IE and - do not show me this
dialog again.


Thanks for the help Marcin. If this means that I have to face that
dialog every time I close IE, then IE sucks mighty lot. Opera doesn't
need that I do such monotonous tasks.

IE doesn't even come with integerated autofill option or mouse
gestures. I don't know why Microsoft didn't work on it with full
potential. IE could have been a super cool browser if they had done

Anyway thanks again

Woohoo! FireFox rocks! Plugins for all!


Thanks for the help Marcin. If this means that I have to face that
dialog every time I close IE, then IE sucks mighty lot. Opera doesn't
need that I do such monotonous tasks.

IE doesn't even come with integerated autofill option or mouse
gestures. I don't know why Microsoft didn't work on it with full
potential. IE could have been a super cool browser if they had done

Anyway thanks again

Woohoo! FireFox rocks! Plugins for all!


Why buy a mini, when the Rolls-Royce of browsers is free ?
IE7 is a superb browser. Though, when it's stuffed into an aged Windows
system, that's never had any housekeeping or TLC, and even abused to the
point of collapse, usually because of the owners ignorance, it gets slated !
Firefox = Reliant Robin :)

regards, Richard

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