Internet Explorer has encountered a problem need to close



A box appears Internet Explorer has encountered a problem
needs to close, Weare sorry for the incconvenience.

If you were in the middle of something, the information
you were working on might be lost.

Please tell Microsoft about this problem.

We have created an error report that you can send to help
us impove Internet Explorer. We will treat this report as
confidential and anonymous.

The problemis :

Can any one help me with with this problem please.


Sounds like a virus or a worm to me. Microsoft has
never apologized for anything that blows up. Not their
style:) I would run anti-virus and anti-spyware programs
and make sure all Microsoft updates are installed.

The Easy Day


This is the same error message I get when I've try to
load additional software to my machine after installing
Windows XP Pro (it will not install the programs and
gives the message that XXXX.exe has encountered a problem
and needs to close....). In my case it is definitely not
a worm or virus as the other poster suggested. Since no
one has been able to refer to a specific software issue
that gives this message, I'm assuming it is a memory
problem and I will try replacing one of the memory sticks
and see if that resolves it.


ACTUALLY, as the first poster suggested, it is most likely
a virus/worm/spyware issue. Microsoft is treating it as
such, so if you call for support, you should have free
support for the issue.

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