Internet Explorer Hang



Hi how are you? Seems like Im having similar problems. Did you ever find a
fix. Ive tryed everything, even a fix from microsoft. Nutting is working. I
have my users on firefox now and they are fine. Id really liek to find a
fix. You can find my post as one of the more recent posts in the i6 newsgroup
and there are more details in there abotu what i have been through. im hoping
you came up with something. Thanks


Could you explain this run command a little better? I tried it a variety of
ways and I am either doing something wrong or there is something wrong with
my computer that won't let me run it.

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall


Robert Aldwinckle

ingow said:
Could you explain this run command a little better? I tried it a variety of
ways and I am either doing something wrong or there is something wrong with
my computer that won't let me run it.

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall

Syntax is important. You left out a space. Why not copy and paste?
Then any such problems would be attributed to the poster, not your typos.



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