Internet Explorer and Print Preview


Paul Pietromonaco

Hi everyone,

Well, this is a weird one. I've lost the toolbar icons in Print Preview
with IE6.

Everything else works fine. Printing, previewing, browsing - everything is

EXCEPT the icons on the toolbar in Print Preview are gone. I get Red X's

When you first select Print Preview, everything on the toolbar looks fine -
i.e. the small, unselected icons are still there. But, when the next stage
of icons are supposed to load, you get very wide buttons with the red X
logo, and text - like "First Page (Alt+Home)" or "Previous Page

Does anyone know how to restore these buttons back? This machine is a
standard WinXP SP2 with all of the latest patches applied. I did have some
hard disc trouble, which turned out to be a loose cable.

I would prefer not to do a re-install if at all possible. I have a sister
WinXP SP2 machine that I can copy files from.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


P.S. To e-mail me directly, invert the temperatures in my e-mail address.

Paul Pietromonaco

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Hi everyone,

Well, this is a weird one. I've lost the toolbar icons in Print Preview
with IE6.

Everything else works fine. Printing, previewing, browsing - everything
is fine.

EXCEPT the icons on the toolbar in Print Preview are gone. I get Red X's

Any thoughts on this yet?


Paul Pietromonaco

Any thoughts on this yet?
Go to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs and uninstall Yahoo Companion if
it's there.

Thank you for your help!

Unfortunately, I don't have Yahoo Companion. I even checked to see if it
had been installed without my knowledge.

Nope - no dice. What next?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Thank you for your help!

Unfortunately, I don't have Yahoo Companion. I even checked to see
if it had been installed without my knowledge.

Nope - no dice. What next?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Unfortunately, that's all I thought up since your first post.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
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Paul Pietromonaco

Unfortunately, that's all I thought up since your first post.

Could the Google Toolbar have tweaked something? I installed that, then
uninstalled, but it seemed like it left some settings behind.

I did go into Internet Options ---> Programs, and selected Reset Web
Settings... It seemed to restore most of the settings Google had tampered
with - or at least I thought so. (^_^)


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Could the Google Toolbar have tweaked something? I installed that,
then uninstalled, but it seemed like it left some settings behind.

I did go into Internet Options ---> Programs, and selected Reset Web
Settings... It seemed to restore most of the settings Google had
tampered with - or at least I thought so. (^_^)


I haven't heard of the Google Toolbar doing that, but that doesn't mean it

Try pressing F11. If that doesn't work read on.

From Doug Knox:

Close any open Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows.

Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT

Go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar

There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser'

In each of these sub-keys is the entry for ITBarLayout

For IE Toolbars: The WebBrowser Sub-key directly affects IE.
For Windows Explorer Toolbars: The Explorer Sub-key directly affects
The ShellBrowser sub-key may affect IE as well. Its effect on IE and
Windows Explorer is unknown at this time, so if the first option doesn't
work, delete the ITBarLayout value here as well.

Choose the relavent sub-key and right click where it says ITBarLayout and
select Delete.

The deleted value will automatically be recreated for you.

You may want to right click on the main key (above) and select Export. This
will allow you to backup the contents of the whole key, including subkeys.

Or try this utility, which does the same thing:
Toolbars missing in Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Paul Pietromonaco

I haven't heard of the Google Toolbar doing that, but that doesn't mean it

Try pressing F11. If that doesn't work read on.

From Doug Knox:

Close any open Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows.

Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT

Go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar

There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser'

8< snip >8

Hi Frank,

I tried this - it didn't work. It really seems like the icons for the
preview page are missing. Is there a simple way to get these back (i.e.
copying a file) instead of re-installing the whole product? I have a sister
machine that works fine - both are up-to-date with the latest patches, etc.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Hi Frank,

I tried this - it didn't work. It really seems like the icons for the
preview page are missing. Is there a simple way to get these back
(i.e. copying a file) instead of re-installing the whole product? I
have a sister machine that works fine - both are up-to-date with the
latest patches, etc.


I don't know of anything else that might work.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Paul Pietromonaco

Is there a simple way to get these back
I don't know of anything else that might work.

Well, from SysInfo, I know all of the IE files:

actxprxy.dll, advpack.dll, asctrls.ocx, browselc.dll, browseui.dll,
cdfview.dll, comctl32.dll, dxtrans.dll, dxtmsft.dll, iecont.dll,
iecontlc.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, iesetup.dll, ieuinit.inf,
iexplore.exe, imgutil.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetcplc.dll, inseng.dll, mlang.dll,
msencode.dll, mshta.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtml.tlb, mshtmled.dll, mshtmler.dll,
msident.dll, msidntld.dll, msieftp.dll, msrating.dll, mstime.dll,
occache.dll, proctexe.ocx, sendmail.dll, shdoclc.dll, shdocvw.dll,
shfolder.dll, shlwapi.dll, tdc.ocx url.dll urlmon.dll webcheck.dll

So, since both machines should be identical (^_^), I'll just compare the
files from the machine that works, and see if there are any differences. I
was hoping to find out the file that actually contained the preview icons,
but this should work just as well.

Thanks for all your help - it's deeply appreciated. (^_^)


Paul Pietromonaco

Well, from SysInfo, I know all of the IE files:

But, unfortunately, this doesn't work. (^_^)

IE doesn't use standard Icons for its toolbars anymore - it uses the newer
"ImageList" style of icons. It's this ImageList that's broken on this
machine - that would be part of the .NET Framework base classes, I think.

I went thru all of the files, and they all matched between the two boxes.

So - I'm reinstalling XP SP2 - that's the safest way I think to not only
re-install IE, but make sure the .NET Framework is complete as well.

Thanks again for all of your help!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Paul Pietromonaco said:
But, unfortunately, this doesn't work. (^_^)

IE doesn't use standard Icons for its toolbars anymore - it uses the
newer "ImageList" style of icons. It's this ImageList that's broken
on this machine - that would be part of the .NET Framework base
classes, I think.

I went thru all of the files, and they all matched between the two

So - I'm reinstalling XP SP2 - that's the safest way I think to not
only re-install IE, but make sure the .NET Framework is complete as

Thanks again for all of your help!

The only ImageList I know is part of Web Accessories:

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Paul Pietromonaco

Okay - this just gets weirder and weirder.

I have backed up my WinXP partition (ghost) and performed an "in place"
re-install of WinXP.

No change. Icons still don't appear in Print Preview. I get Red Xs

What should I try next? I can't believe I'm going to have to do a
completely clean install to restore a toolbar! (^_^)


FYI - the shdoclc.dll file is fine. If I look at it with Resource Hacker, I
see that the Print Preview toolbar icons are present, and the PREVIEW.DLG
script is there as well. I've also "fc /b" compared it to another WinXP
box, and they match.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Okay - this just gets weirder and weirder.

I have backed up my WinXP partition (ghost) and performed an "in
place" re-install of WinXP.

No change. Icons still don't appear in Print Preview. I get Red Xs

What should I try next? I can't believe I'm going to have to do a
completely clean install to restore a toolbar! (^_^)


FYI - the shdoclc.dll file is fine. If I look at it with Resource
Hacker, I see that the Print Preview toolbar icons are present, and
the PREVIEW.DLG script is there as well. I've also "fc /b" compared
it to another WinXP box, and they match.

No idea.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Robert Aldwinckle

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Okay - this just gets weirder and weirder.

I have backed up my WinXP partition (ghost) and performed an "in place"
re-install of WinXP.

No change. Icons still don't appear in Print Preview. I get Red Xs

What should I try next? I can't believe I'm going to have to do a
completely clean install to restore a toolbar! (^_^)

Before you do that could you please try to find out if your Language
settings bear any role in your symptoms?

Could you go to this diagnostic page and tell us the three values
that it shows you please? (You must allow Active Scripting
(e.g. Default Level Security for the Internet zone) to let it work.)

Alternatively, just enter these three script fragments one after another
in your Address bar and capture their results:


(Again, Active Scripting must be enabled in whatever Security zone
the page is in for the IE window you choose to do this with.)

You can't do anything to change your systemLanguage
but your browserLanguage could be changed by the
Internet Options, Languages... dialog and the userLanguage
could be changed by using the Control Panel's Regional and Language
Options applet (or its Language bar if you already have that enabled.)
(I may have those last two backwards; I know I once got confused
about which was which.)

Also, could you please clarify your symptoms?
E.g. if you execute this in an IE Address bar


are you saying that you see only text or Red-X
for its buttons? Can you tab through them?

FWIW when I do that I can see all the icons
in both their raised and selected modes
(but without button color or raised button face);
their hover helps also work; of course they
don't actually do anything because they aren't
associated with a document. Hmm... I can even
File, Print Preview... that "page" <G>

If you have access to two machines, one which
works correctly and the other the problem case,
you might get some more clues by running FileMon
on both (e.g. filter with iexplore and highlight READ)
and then comparing the two traces.

Hmm... something interesting that shows up doing that
is that apparently IE might try doing something with
overriding versions of mshtml.tlb if found in various
alternative locations.

Another thing that I would try before giving up
is doing some of the other repairs in safe mode.
E.g. the regsvr32 iepeers.dll and any interfering BHO
(such as Surfairy) would be guaranteed less interaction
that way.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

Paul Pietromonaco

Before you do that could you please try to find out if your Language
settings bear any role in your symptoms?

Could you go to this diagnostic page and tell us the three values
that it shows you please? (You must allow Active Scripting
(e.g. Default Level Security for the Internet zone) to let it work.)

Sure - I'd be happy to. The results are as follows:

Variable Setting
Language en-us
System language en-us
User language en-us

Also, could you please clarify your symptoms?
E.g. if you execute this in an IE Address bar


are you saying that you see only text or Red-X
for its buttons? Can you tab through them?

Using res://shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg works fine! How about that? (^_^)

I mean - it doesn't print preview, but at least I can see the toolbar.

But, I'm still having the problem. Here's the exact symptom and steps to

1. Start IE.
2. Surf to any normal URL. i.e.
3. From the File menu, select Print Preview...
4. For a quick second - a flash - you see the toolbar as displayed by
5. Then, you get what I call the "error" toolbar. This tool bar has Print
button and the Page Setup buttons displayed correctly, but the First Page
and Previous Page buttons are now oversized, with a "red X" document icons,
and the tag text "First Page (Alt+Home)" and "Previous Page
(Alt+LeftArrow)". If I turn my monitor up to an insane resolution, I can
see that the Next Page and Last Page buttons are incorrect as well, but the
magnifying glass icons and the rest of the toolbar is intact.

I just tried the TAB key. I can access the rest of the toolbar! Yes, the
other icons are correct and functional. In fact the broken buttons work
too - they're just missing their images for some reason. They highlight,
you can click them, etc. Just can't find their image resource.
If you have access to two machines, one which
works correctly and the other the problem case,
you might get some more clues by running FileMon
on both (e.g. filter with iexplore and highlight READ)
and then comparing the two traces.

I have tried a little FileMon and RegMon. I didn't see anything too
different between the two machines, but I will try again.
Hmm... something interesting that shows up doing that
is that apparently IE might try doing something with
overriding versions of mshtml.tlb if found in various
alternative locations.

Searching right now... so far no differences, but I'll keep you posted.
Another thing that I would try before giving up
is doing some of the other repairs in safe mode.
E.g. the regsvr32 iepeers.dll and any interfering BHO
(such as Surfairy) would be guaranteed less interaction
that way.

Good ideas. I'll give those a shot.

Thank you!

Paul Pietromonaco

FYI - the shdoclc.dll file is fine. If I look at it with Resource

Thanks for all of your help, Frank. I deeply appreciate the time and
effort! (^_^)


Robert Aldwinckle

Paul Pietromonaco said:
Sure - I'd be happy to. The results are as follows:

Variable Setting
Language en-us
System language en-us
User language en-us

There goes that theory... ;/

Using res://shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg works fine! How about that? (^_^)

I mean - it doesn't print preview, but at least I can see the toolbar.

But, I'm still having the problem. Here's the exact symptom and steps to

1. Start IE.
2. Surf to any normal URL. i.e.
3. From the File menu, select Print Preview...
4. For a quick second - a flash - you see the toolbar as displayed by
5. Then, you get what I call the "error" toolbar. This tool bar has Print
button and the Page Setup buttons displayed correctly, but the First Page
and Previous Page buttons are now oversized, with a "red X" document icons,
and the tag text "First Page (Alt+Home)" and "Previous Page (Alt+LeftArrow)".

But all they appear to be is sort of greyed, which makes sense because
you should be on page 1 to start with and then First and Prev are both
inapplicable. What happens if you go to another page, which should
make both applicable and therefore both non-grey? Hmm... I just did
that on a two page example, so of course then both Next and Last
became "greyed" while First and Prev both became operational.

If I turn my monitor up to an insane resolution, I can
see that the Next Page and Last Page buttons are incorrect as well,

I don't understand that then.

but the magnifying glass icons and the rest of the toolbar is intact.

I just tried the TAB key. I can access the rest of the toolbar! Yes, the
other icons are correct and functional. In fact the broken buttons work
too - they're just missing their images for some reason. They highlight,
you can click them, etc. Just can't find their image resource.

I'm wondering if instead of not finding their image resource
it may be a case of the applying a transform to the ones that
you can see using the res:// protocol. I suppose if we had
a trace of the Windows messages we could tell what is really
happening. There used to be a tool which did that distributed
with MSVC++ but I can't remember the details (Spy++ or
something like that IIRC.)

Oh... I just remembered something. Because of a GDI leak
I have disabled themes. E.g. set, in Display Appearance
Windows and Buttons to Windows Classic style
and disabled the themes service. Are you using themes?



Paul Pietromonaco

I'm wondering if instead of not finding their image resource
it may be a case of the applying a transform to the ones that
you can see using the res:// protocol. I suppose if we had
a trace of the Windows messages we could tell what is really
happening. There used to be a tool which did that distributed
with MSVC++ but I can't remember the details (Spy++ or
something like that IIRC.)

Oh... I just remembered something. Because of a GDI leak
I have disabled themes. E.g. set, in Display Appearance
Windows and Buttons to Windows Classic style
and disabled the themes service. Are you using themes?

Yes, I am using themes. I'll try turning them off - and try print preview


Okay - Display Properties --> Appearance ---> Windows and buttons --->
Windows Classic style.

also Taskbar and Start Menu Properties --> Start Menu ---> Classic Start

(just in case.)

Print Preview still fails.

I've made some pictures of it:


showing the button highlighted. Does that help?


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