Internet error, Norton Security, XP


Mike Red

I recently helped a friend install his new computer.
Everything worked fine until I installdes Norton Internet Security and
ran Live Update.

After the update was finished Internet Explorerar stopped to work.

The Internet connection is a dial-up 56K built in modem.
I can call the ISP provider and get a net connection.
I can check mail with Outlook.
I can ping websites
I CANNOT visit websites with Internet Explorer.

What can be the problem with Internet Explorer?

The problem doesn't stop even if a shut down the Norton
It worked fine before running the Live Update for Norton.

The operating system is Windows XP

Any suggestions???
Please help!

Richard G. Harper

Get rid of (uninstall, not disable) Norton Internet Security. If that fixes
the problem then reinstall it but be sure you are configuring it properly.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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