Interface Language


Richard G. Harper

There will be no "more affordable" solution, I'm sorry to say. If there
were, I would have given it to you in the first place.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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SimplyQute said:
Thank you,

I think i'll stay with what i've got until a more affordable solution will
appear, as i have no intension of purchasing another Vista (i truly
this OS).

Thank you for your help.

Richard G. Harper said:
Purchase a copy of Windows Vista in English and clean-install it.
no other way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ...
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SimplyQute said:
I recently bought a PC in The Netherlands and it has Vista Home Basic on
with only the Dutch language installed. I can"t work with a Dutch
environment, so I'm completely lost. I thought I'd be able to change it
English, but i am still unable to do so.
Does anyone know how i can change the interface language to English?

Thank you...


Open Help & Support and search on [Change language]

I can't tell you what that will show you on your version but on my
Ultimate which is supposed to be very language flexible it gives an
index to many aspects including how to get and how to install the
different kinds of language packs, some of which only work on Ultimate.

Doris Day - MFB

Tiberius said:
Doris Linux is not ready for the mainstream desktop use...

If something goes wrong in linux you are screwed.. you have to use shells
and type commands,
even the information on how to solve problems is a problem since there are
too many distros and the linux
geeks just don't know how to speak common simple English when they post!
believe me I know!!!

and I cant use it for work either since I use adobe and corel products and
some Microsoft ones too..
and a myriad of small versatile applications that just do not exist in

So its not good for the common non-geek person because if something goes
wrong you are in big trouble
and its not good for most of the professionals that use programs that are
not ported to linux
and DO NOT have a equivalent of the same superb quality....

then who is it good for? Servers, computers for old people that use a
browser only, and geeks who know how to geek all day.

Its not ready... it could be better, it can be better, it WILL be better..
but its not there yet...

Don't get me wrong.. I have tested almost all linux distros known to
man.... I use linux out of curiosity...
and have been using it since 1999.. thats a solid 8 years of

But I have not found 1 linux that can do all that I want, and I am sure
this is the case for most people.
No it's not for *most* people. Most people find Linux more than adequate to
meet their computing needs and when they learn more about Linux, that it
will take them further than Windoze ever will.
Im not anti-linux... I am pro-anything that is good enough for all I need
to do.
Not by the bullshit you spew forth in your post here.
PS. I never really liked Ubuntu... mandrake (mandriva) and suse were
always better in my opinion

Your opinion. I guess you like KDE because it's more Windoze-like?
Now I like PCLINUXOS 2007 because it has the codecs you need to play
various media out of the box
Ubuntu Feisty is ever more refined. Need to play some media where a codec is
required and the system automatically goes and picks up the codec. You
really don't have a clue, so don't act like you do.
I am suspecting that Distrowatch was paid off from the multimillionaire
that funded Ubuntu to put it top of the list of that site
and slowly it got more attention.. now its being developed fast.. but I
still don't like everything about it...
More MickeyMouse FUD. Ubuntu is the most popular because the user community
has downloaded it and installed it more than any other distro. This isn't
Microsoft, where the way that corporate tries to receive accolades is to
buy-off bloggers.
Ubuntu 5 and 6 were a joke compared to mandriva and suse... even 7 doesn't
have the latest thunderbird and you cant even
update it easily....
You're clueless.
Sorry... if I was given a choice between ubutnu and Vista that I hate so
much I would chose vista... even though its horrid...

Yep, you would. You such a dumb Wintard you don't know any better. Thousands
have said goodbye to Vista and gravitated over to Ubuntu. Then again, it
does prove there are still some smart people left in the world. You, ain't
one of them.
I dont have ubuntu or any linux... its not there yet...
You're not there yet I'm afraid. Linux is there. Look at Dell now bundling
Ubuntu on new computers. If it wasn't "there" they wouldn't.
Luv and Kisses


Love and Kisses,

My Microsoft Hero (he loves this company!) ...
Installing: Windows vs Linux ...
BallmerBumBois: Frank, Julian, Richard Urban, Jupiter Jones, Harry Krause,
Feliks Dzerzhinsky
Sorry if I missed anyone, place your name here _________________.

Doris Day - MFB

Tiberius said:
Doris Linux is not ready for the mainstream desktop use...

If something goes wrong in linux you are screwed.. you have to use shells
and type commands,

Duh! And trying to make some screwball change to the Windoze registry is
easier? Linux configurations can be "fixed" by using a simple text editor.
What does a Windoze user have to do when Windoze screws up? Don't tell
me ... I know ... re-install. Linux doesn't screwup, but a dumb user like
you could certainly screw things up. But they're easily fixed. (again, by
most, but obviously it's beyond your capabilities).

Love and Kisses,

My Microsoft Hero (he loves this company!) ...
Installing: Windows vs Linux ...
BallmerBumBois: Frank, Julian, Richard Urban, Jupiter Jones, Harry Krause,
Feliks Dzerzhinsky
Sorry if I missed anyone, place your name here _________________.

Joey DoWop Dee

Duh! And trying to make some screwball change to the Windoze registry is
easier? Linux configurations can be "fixed" by using a simple text editor.
What does a Windoze user have to do when Windoze screws up? Don't tell
me ... I know ... re-install. Linux doesn't screwup, but a dumb user like
you could certainly screw things up. But they're easily fixed. (again, by
most, but obviously it's beyond your capabilities).

Love and Kisses,

Ya know, Doris, if you had any balls you wouldn't have to come to this forum
and repeatedly plug Linux over and over and over and over and over and over.
What the flack is wrong with you anyway? Besides being nutless, that is.

Why don't you hang out with like folks: them what likes Linux.

It's just the weirdest thing! You never seem to amaze me.


What does a Windoze user have to do when Windoze screws up?

System restore! Restores all system files without touching personal files..
A great idea that linux needs to steal!
Its different from the backup it has...
But they're easily fixed. (again, by
most, but obviously it's beyond your capabilities).

Yeah what happens when you install a display driver and for some reason
linux does like it, and it throws you off the gui
into the shell alone? Is that easy too, something that everyone can easily
fix? lol

I have taught hundreds if not thousands of people... I know what the average
person is like. Trust me ubuntu is not even near
where it has to be, in order to be a good solution for the masses.

but a dumb user like
you could certainly screw things up. But they're easily fixed. (again, by
most, but obviously it's beyond your capabilities).

I can assure you it is well within my capabilities...I am not dumb, I am
extremely intelligent. If I had the will to sit down and learn every detail
about linux I could...
In fact I would be better at it than you are...

but there is no reason why I need to do that...

I am not saying that linux will not evolve.. in fact I am say that a form of
linux will indeed replace windows as the mainstream OS...

but not in the way you think.


SimplyQute said:
I recently bought a PC in The Netherlands and it has Vista Home Basic on
it with only the Dutch language installed. I can"t work with a Dutch
environment, so I'm completely lost. I thought I'd be able to change it to
English, but i am still unable to do so.
Does anyone know how i can change the interface language to English?

Thank you...

That is just one of "lots" of things that windows can't do.

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