Intellimouse w/XP


Tim Hurley

Have a MS Intellimouse Explorer Optical Cordless mouse which started acting
sluggish. Went to a MS site and found a newer driver (5.0) specifically for
XP. Following intructions, I removed the old Intellimouse program (v4.1)
first, then opened the saved IP5_0eng.exe file. Installation went

The problem is that every time I reboot, XP finds a new mouse and insists
that I follow the Wizard and install the software for it. Have tried
playing the game, pointing to the Intellimouse 5 folder and sub-folders, but
it's never satisfied and keeps asking that I select the mouse type from a
legacy list. I don't want to install on old driver, so I cancel.

How can I get out of this loop?

Thanks in advance,

Tim Hurley


using add/remove, remove the intellipoint 5.0 driver. then reboot, and
then reinstall it. reboot again, hopefully that'll fix it.

BTW, the 4.01 driver you had been using is better! 5.0 was brought out
along w/ the new mice that have the side-scroll wheel; if your mouse has
than new wheel then you should use 5.0, whihc ships w/ those mice. If you
have the old wheel, 4.01 had more features, like application specific
button assignments.

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