Intel Delays New Itanium Chip Until 2006



The world's largest chipmaker now plans to begin volume production of
the next version of the Itanium chip, code-named Montecito, in mid-2006,
pushing it back from its initial plans for volume production in the
first quarter of 2006.

It's dead, Jim.


Typo... Change "volume production" to "production".

It's not like their making and selling millions of them!;p (are they?)

Making, maybe. ;-) Selling? To whom?

Tony Hill

The world's largest chipmaker now plans to begin volume production of
the next version of the Itanium chip, code-named Montecito, in mid-2006,
pushing it back from its initial plans for volume production in the
first quarter of 2006.


More worrying for Itanium supporters, IMO, is that the 'Tukwila' chip
has been pushed back AGAIN. It's now not expected to ship until 2008
and could certainly slip further. This is the chip that was really
supposed to be the savior of Itanium, finally showing off how the
"simpler" VLIW core could really offer a lot of benefits once you
start going to 4+ cores.

Way back in the day, when this chip was still called "Tanglewood"
(before Intel ran into a trade name dispute over that name), it was
due in 2006 and was to have 8 cores. Now it's looking like 2008 and,
what's worse, they're now looking at only 4 cores. The way things are
going it seems that the schedule is likely to slip further and
performance to be cut even more.

Basically Keith is right; it's dead Jim. HP and (especially) SGI had
best get on with plans for a non-Itanium future.

George Macdonald

"a few select customers"? <giggle>

Yup and since the "production" has been rolled back *again*, you have to
figure the samples were not umm, well received.:)

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