inetinfo.exe and memory



When I turned on my monitor this a.m. (no reboot overnight) I received the
message that my virtual memory was low and Windows was increasing it.

My modem activity light was blinking as though a download or other
Internet/related activity was ongoing, and so was my CPU activity light.

This has continued all day, PC constantly asking for additional memory.

In the task manager I see the inetinfo.exe file taking up more and more
memory, at one point over 100K.

Norton Antivirus has been turned off by my system on startup. Zone Alarm
took six tries and finally initialized.

I've scanned my system, no viruses or other threats.

Running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Trillian said:
When I turned on my monitor this a.m. (no reboot overnight) I received the
message that my virtual memory was low and Windows was increasing it.

My modem activity light was blinking as though a download or other
Internet/related activity was ongoing, and so was my CPU activity light.

This has continued all day, PC constantly asking for additional memory.

In the task manager I see the inetinfo.exe file taking up more and more
memory, at one point over 100K.

Norton Antivirus has been turned off by my system on startup. Zone Alarm
took six tries and finally initialized.

I've scanned my system, no viruses or other threats.

Running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Check Google for "inetinfo.exe". There are more than 250,000 hits on it.


I had googled inetinfo.exe first before contacting MS tech support and then
coming here. Tech support was no help unless I wanted to pay $$.

I'm not running Exchange or IIS (that I know of) - I'm just a single user PC.

This memory problem may have nothing to do with inetinfo.exe, but it was
using a great deal of memory at one point today. Memory just keeps increasing
and I'm running nothing now except IE.

I've rebooted several times and each time Norton AV is disable
automatically, Zone Alarm has a problem loading, and then memory is used
before any apps are started. Modem activity is constant.

I'm at a loss...any new updates or patches that might be causing a prob?

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