Incorrectly displayed images?


William Stokes


We have several word documents which have strage behaviour with images.
Images are from digicam so I guess the originals are jpeg pics.

If these documents are opened with Word (we have 2002 SP2 on XP SP2) all
photos are shown as negative images. If these same files are opened on the
same computer via Internet Explorer photos are displayed correctly. So I
guess this is a Word setting or something like that???


Uncle Grumpy

William Stokes said:

We have several word documents which have strage behaviour with images.
Images are from digicam so I guess the originals are jpeg pics.

If these documents are opened with Word (we have 2002 SP2 on XP SP2) all
photos are shown as negative images. If these same files are opened on the
same computer via Internet Explorer photos are displayed correctly. So I
guess this is a Word setting or something like that???

Or something like that. Ask this in a Word group. This isn't one.



We have several word documents which have strage behaviour with images.
Images are from digicam so I guess the originals are jpeg pics.

If these documents are opened with Word (we have 2002 SP2 on XP SP2) all
photos are shown as negative images. If these same files are opened on the
same computer via Internet Explorer photos are displayed correctly. So I
guess this is a Word setting or something like that???

Post to one of the Word newsgroups under microsoft.public.word.

List of MS public newsgroups

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