Incompatible version of the serializing package. (0x80070724)



System restore, System backup, Restore point, none of this stuff works. Its
always the same error: 'Incompatible version of the serializing package.
(0x80070724)'. Googled it every which way, but no joy! Anybody know if this
will ever be fixed? Not even a hint at that this problem
exists. I figured this was the best way to to let them know. Anybody out
there heard anything about this error? Anything?


Yeah, I think that was my third Google hit as well. Actually there are less
than two dozen Google hits re this subject so it's easy to review them all.
And, like Dan, in his reply at the bottom of the page you refer to, it didn't
work for me either. When ever the 'System Properties Dialogue Box' opens and
it searches for drives, I get the error. In fact, no matter what I do with
any portion of this system, I get this error. Would you happen to know where
the 'system points' are stored and if access to them, other than through
'System Properties' is possible?

I really do appreciate your response, but in general I find that most
suggested solutions in most forums are a lot more difficult in their
execution than in their concept. Believe me, if it were this simple, I would
have never initiated my original post. Again, thanks for hearing me out.


"It's in the same location as in XP..". That was a good one Rick! That one
really got to me. It's taken me almost twenty minutes to recompose myself.
O.K.,I don't have XP any more Rick. All I got is Vista and when I had XP, all
this stuff worked so I never had to go to that 'location'. Your buds article?
Nah, didn't help much.

Got the feeling I'm in the wrong forum here Rick. I think what I'll do is
use the Apple method for solving my computer problems.....I'll buy my way out
of it. Think I'll pick up Acronis True Image and burn my ISO's like Vista was
supposed to do but can't. Adios amigo, and thanks for playing.

Jill Zoeller [MSFT]

Give this a try--you'll need to do this on every volume and you might need
to repeat this a couple times.

Go to an elevated command prompt and type the following commands one at a

Vssadmin list shadowstorage /for=c:
<note the shadow storage size for use later>

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: /maxsize=300MB

<install or uninstall something like FreeCell>

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /for=c: /on=c: /maxsize=<original value>


Jill, we ever meet, lunch is on me! and bring Rick with you! Worked like a

The only thing I would add would be, first command:

vssadmin list volumes

I have four drives, 2 SATA and 2 IDE

Thanks again, you folks are o.k. by me.

Jill Zoeller [MSFT]

Glad this worked! And thanks for the tip about adding the first command. We
had just helped another customer with a similar problem and this was the
workaround the dev team gave me. The problem is due to corrupt metadata on
the shadow copy (or something like that).

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Jill Zoeller said:
Glad this worked! And thanks for the tip about adding the first command. We
had just helped another customer with a similar problem and this was the
workaround the dev team gave me. The problem is due to corrupt metadata on
the shadow copy (or something like that).

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Want to learn more about Windows file and storage technologies? Visit our
team blog at


Ops, I truely no nothing about PCs!, So how does a luddite get rid of this
problem, no idea what your on about, is there just an easy fix for this or
will i be plagued not ever to turn my system restore on. I know where the on
and off switch is but that probably doesnt help, so please is there any
layperson way of getting rid of this fault!!!!!!! without doing techy
stuff....sorry i know its lame but God gave us all different gifts, and if
its what wrong with a human, then I am your person, but computers, wheres the
PC medics who can do it for one at any other technical support
seems to recognise this affliction....PLEASE HELP!


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