in IE: backgrounds (colors or image) and DHTML do not work/show up!



Hey everyone, I hope someone can help me.

Ever since I bought my laptop, IE has not worked
properly. On any website (even the ones I build, before
they are uploaded), backgrounds do not appear. It doesn't
matter if the background is set to be a solid color, or a
repeating gif image--it still won't show up.

This is also a problem with DHTML and menus that are
built with it. For example, left
menu does not show up AT ALL. On, there
is no blue bar across the top--it appears just like a
very juvenile formatting job. It's hard to explain; I
just hope someone knows what I mean and can help. I've
tried uninstalling and re-downloading IE, but that didn't

Aug 19, 2005
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I have the same problem!

Wendy, did you ever get the problem solved???

I have had my dell 9100 laptop since last nov and i have had this problem from the beginning. Dell will not help me out b/c they claim it is a software issue and not hardware. I am about to throw this laptop out the window of my car.

I have found 3-4 people including you by search google that have the same exact problem and are searching for a resolution.

I know that your post is old, so i hope that you get this message. Please help me. You can email me at "(e-mail address removed)" or icq me at 255-890-754

Please please please help! Somebody! Thank you.


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