Import Categories from Non-Active Registry?


Greg Dunn

I installed a second hard disk on my computer, configured it as the boot
disk, and reinstalled everything from Windows on up. This has gone well,
except that my new copy of Outlook no longer has the Categories I had
established in the old copy.

I understand, from a little research, that Outlook's Categories are stored
in the registry, under


But of course, the registry in which *my* old categories are stored is no
longer the active one, though the registry file is still sitting over there
on the old drive. Is there any way I can get at the category entries in
that non-active registry file? If I can even get a look at them, that would
be good enough, since there are only 30 or so.


Greg Dunn

Andreas Roeder

Hi Greg,
the inactive HD have the registry entry in it.
But you cant export it, coz you dont have access on the old registry.
So you have to boot from your old hd and export the registry key.
Save it on a disk and reboot from your new hd.
Import the saved key into your "new" registry.
It is not the best, coz its many work, but it will still work.

Greg Dunn

Thank you, Andreas, but I discovered an easier solution: I just browsed
through the existing contact entries and whenever I found a category not yet
in the Master Category List, I just added it. This was a little tedious,
but beat opening up my computer, switching cables, and so forth.

Thanks again,

Greg Dunn

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