Illogical scan results



Just did a 'clean' install of 614.
By clean I mean a/d, delete all program files and then
clean the registry.
Installed 614 and did 2 scans.
Scan 1 - Quick scan - number of files scanned 22295
Scan 2 - Full scan - number of files scanned 20478

Normally one would think a full scan would scan MORE files
not LESS ????????????????????

Using 5729 manually updated from 5725 aftrt the install.


Huh, yeah, I just did a full scan and it said it scanned 17144 files, and my
quick scan said it scaned 21511 files.

That's wierd, especially since the full scan took approx. 7 minutes and the
quick scan took only 1 and a half.

Someone should definitely look into this.

Bill Sanderson

One difference between full deep scans and quickscans is that hashes are
generated and checked--I think that's "deep." This slows the process down

Otherwise, I don't have an explanation for what you are seeing--I'd like to
say I'll do some testing myself, but realistically, I don't think I'm gonna
get to it soon, I'm afraid.


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