I think I had a virus "xzkjkfse with or without
extension .lgc" I think I got rid of it with Panda's
Platinum Antivirus program. Not sure because it didn't
name the virus it found and fixed but it was in the
windows system dir where windows "find" had found it. All
of the problems I had have gone away except one. Whenever
I fire up internet explorer, (I have cable connection) I
get the infamous dialogue box "this program has performed
an illegal operation". If I click on close or ignore the
program closes, but if I pay no attention to it and just
keep on working, internet explore continues to function.
I just have to keep moving the dialogue box around to keep
it out of my way. The contents of the dialogue box
details are:
IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in
module OLEAUT32.DLL at 016f:653a994b.
EAX=00451170 CS=016f EIP=653a994b EFLGS=00010206
EBX=65350218 SS=0177 ESP=0256f904 EBP=0256f914
ECX=00451250 DS=0177 ESI=008a4348 FS=5e6f
EDX=0256f940 ES=0177 EDI=00451250 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8a 06 24 0f 3c 08 75 07 b8 27 80 02 80 eb 7e 8d
Stack dump:
0256f95c 00000000 65350218 00451250 0256f930 653ad995
00451170 0256f940 00451150 00000000 65350218 0256f964
7fbc957f 00451d70 00451170 0256f95c

Any ideas on what to do. I tried updating internet
explorer once but it did no good. Please help.

Dave Kocher

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

DAVE K said:
I think I had a virus "xzkjkfse with or without
extension .lgc" I think I got rid of it with Panda's
Platinum Antivirus program. Not sure because it didn't
name the virus it found and fixed but it was in the
windows system dir where windows "find" had found it. All
of the problems I had have gone away except one. Whenever
I fire up internet explorer, (I have cable connection) I
get the infamous dialogue box "this program has performed
an illegal operation". If I click on close or ignore the
program closes, but if I pay no attention to it and just
keep on working, internet explore continues to function.
I just have to keep moving the dialogue box around to keep
it out of my way. The contents of the dialogue box
details are:
IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in
module OLEAUT32.DLL at 016f:653a994b.
EAX=00451170 CS=016f EIP=653a994b EFLGS=00010206
EBX=65350218 SS=0177 ESP=0256f904 EBP=0256f914
ECX=00451250 DS=0177 ESI=008a4348 FS=5e6f
EDX=0256f940 ES=0177 EDI=00451250 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8a 06 24 0f 3c 08 75 07 b8 27 80 02 80 eb 7e 8d
Stack dump:
0256f95c 00000000 65350218 00451250 0256f930 653ad995
00451170 0256f940 00451150 00000000 65350218 0256f964
7fbc957f 00451d70 00451170 0256f95c

Any ideas on what to do. I tried updating internet
explorer once but it did no good. Please help.

Dave Kocher

Go to Start/run, and type SFC (msconfig for Win2K or WinXP).
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk'.
Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then, click Start.

Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's location, which is
probably in the Win98 folder of your installation CD-ROM (typically
D:\Win98), or in your Windows\Options\Cabs folder, as the case may be.

Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System, and click OK. System
File Checker looks for the file, saves it as you requested, and then tells
you that 'the file has been successfully extracted'.

You may need to reboot.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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