IE often won't "Save As"



Using WinME and IE6
Often, when I try to "Save As" a web page, IE shows the download progress
box with the flying folders. The progress percentage bar show progress for a
while then up jumps a message that the web page could not be saved to the
selected location. I have tried to save to the desktop and to various
folders with no luck. Why can't I save all web pages?

Noel Paton

A URL ( web address) would be useful!!

You may already have a virus/spyware hijack

download the Stinger from here and run it to make sure that A-V-disabling
viruses are not present on your PC

- update your virus scanner and run a full system scan of all files.

Reboot to Safe Mode and run CWShredder - to remove variants of the
CoolWebSearch hijacker.

Use CWShredder, the removal tool:

download AdAware SE Personal Edition from, install,
update, and run it to remove spyware, adware, and other such nasties from
your system.

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2006, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's


Which format did you select? 'complete web page', etc. Will usually work
if you only want 'html only. Otherwise, depends upon the structure of the



Noel, pardon my delayed thanks. It took me a while to execute your
suggestions. Speaking of which--- you recommended I download CWShredder and
CWShredder, the removal tool. Are these 2 different programs?


jt3, pardon the delayed thanks. It never occured to me to change the format
from the default "Web Page, complete". I will try " Web Page, html only".
What do I lose by so doing?


With '.html only', that's what you get--none of the 'resources' that go
along with the page--no graphics, no .css, .js, all of the stuff that make
it appear pretty. It's one step above 'text', in that you get some
formatting, color in text where specified, tables, and some background
color, when it's specified in the html tags.

These days, most of that (fancy formatting) is done in the .css sheets, and
the 'gee whiz stuff in JavaScript. Saving as a complete web page will save
most of those resources, and IE will patch in the references so that you get
to see *most* of it (but not usually the stuff done by the JavaScript), and
saving it as an 'archive' saves it in a MIME format that allows storage of
the different resources in one file, at the cost of some space inefficiency.
The MIME files are also just a little slower to display, but mostly one
would not notice the diff.

IE tends to cough up a hairball when you try to save some pages completely
because the reformatting of the file the server sent is too involved--uses
frames in an unusual way, or too much JavaScript, but also when it decides a
security issue is on hand. In those cases, unless you want to go to a lot
of extra trouble, saving as '.html only' will often suffice. If not, it
depends on how deeply you want to dig into it. There are some programs I've
seen on shareware sites that claim to take care of this, but I've never
tried them. Life is much too short to try everything. :)



Not only is "Life ... much too short to try everything", my shovel is too
small:):):) Thanks.

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