IE loses half of passport user name



Hi everyone,

I've run into an odd problem with IE and using my passport login. I have
IE set to use MyMSN as my home page. I originally logged into it using my
account and password and selected the "Save username and password" radio
button. Everytime i launched IE it would bring me to my MyMSN page.

Now when I launch IE, instead of logging into MyMSN, I am prompted for my
username and password. What's odd is that the username field has my passport
address but the is missing.

I've been able to narrow down the cause to my installation of Microsoft
Money. I just purchased a new computer and everything was working fine. As
soon as I installed Microsoft Money and restored my Money backup, this
problem started on the new computer.

So, I have two computers now that show this symptom. the older computer
has Money 2004 and the newer 2006. I'm nit quite sure why Money would impact
this. When I launch money, my Passport name is listed properly. I've
searched through the MS Knowledgebase, I've deleted cookies, I've cleared
offline files, I've scoured the registry for anything that may look
suspicious, and a variety of other things

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Does anyone have any thoughts
on how I can troubleshoot or resolve it?

Thanks in advance.


I have had the exact same problem, and it began with the installation of
Money 2006. If anyone has found a solution, please let me know.


It's good to see that it isn't just me... I've actually had this issue for
the last few releases of Money. As I have replaced systems over the years. I
have seen the problem follow each release. I search the MS KB from time to
time, but nothing ever appears.

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