IE and OE don't work connected to router


David Stuehler

Here's the problem. I recently installed a Linksys wireless-G router connected to a DSL modem. I have a Dell XPST450 running XP Professional, Service Pack 2, connected to the router with a cable.

Wireless computers connecting to the Linksys work fine. Another computer cabled to the Linksys router works fine. But, on my Dell, Outlook Express will not connect to my mail server, and IE will only connect to the Google website by IP address. Firefox also does not work, although it too can connect to Google. A google search in either IE or firefox produces a bunch of links, but none of them will work, of course.

I have internet access on the Dell. I can ping by name or IP address. Timbuktoo (a remote desktop program) and WS-FTP work fine by IP address or site name, so DNS is working.

If I unplug the router and connect the Dell directly to the DSL modem, IE and OE work fine.

Are there some security settings or something I have to fix?

Rob Parsons

My guess is check your router manual to see if your configured IP address for your del machine is in the specified range.. there should be a sub mask setting also.. maybe also the del address is in conflict with the other pc that is connected by cable to the router.?????????

by the way I think you are stretching a favor by posting here... try your router supplier the next time.
Here's the problem. I recently installed a Linksys wireless-G router connected to a DSL modem. I have a Dell XPST450 running XP Professional, Service Pack 2, connected to the router with a cable.

Wireless computers connecting to the Linksys work fine. Another computer cabled to the Linksys router works fine. But, on my Dell, Outlook Express will not connect to my mail server, and IE will only connect to the Google website by IP address. Firefox also does not work, although it too can connect to Google. A google search in either IE or firefox produces a bunch of links, but none of them will work, of course.

I have internet access on the Dell. I can ping by name or IP address. Timbuktoo (a remote desktop program) and WS-FTP work fine by IP address or site name, so DNS is working.

If I unplug the router and connect the Dell directly to the DSL modem, IE and OE work fine.

Are there some security settings or something I have to fix?

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