IE 6 Problems



I downloaded IE 6 when it first came out and never had any
trouble with it, until about 2 weeks ago. I am not able
to got to other links that are on a webpage, or in an
email, and sometimes the pages freezes up the computer. I
have to uninstall IE 6 to be able to browse the internet
without any problems, but some of the programs that I have
on my computer uses IE6 to run. So I am having to install
IE 6 then uninstall it.


Anyone else having a similar experience? Any advice or other things to try

I have: Internet Explorer 6 SP 1, and Windows XP Pro SP 1

Problem: I must be an administrator to have full access to all web-sites. In particular, any URL that has a question mark in it (CGI call?) gets ignored. No error message, no indication of an attempt to access. Yahoo email in particular has problems when this sort of hyperlink is used

Also I cannot access anything in the Help menu - not even the About Internet Explorer item, unless I am logged in as the administrator

I have already confirmed that my network connections and internet access is good. The XP firewall is NOT up. I have already played around with IE Security and Advanced settings and anything else I can think of to no avail. Even played with IEAK to no effect

Finally, Mozilla works, Yahoo email included. So it seems there's something off with my IE6 install. But how to repair it

It's a big deal to me, because it seems to be related to a failed install of QuickBooks Pro 2004, which apparently uses IE technology in its own 'browser'

Final note: My system is a fresh install from Dell on the laptop I bought brand-new from them a couple of weeks ago

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