IE 6 crashes every time on launch



Hi, My Internet Explorer on my XP Home Edition computer was working fine, and
now it's dead. I didn't install anything new, but I do have teenagers, so I'm
blaming them for now. I'm looking for suggestions on how to fix it. Here are
the error messages and what I have tried to do to fix it:
Error Message: "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to
close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." This error message displays
before the home page is displayed. The following details are in the error:
AppName: iexplore.exe, AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180, Modname: apopup.dll, ModVer, Offset: 00005d41

I've tried to reinstall Internet Explorer, by downloading (with Netscape)
the ie6setup.exe file. When I run it, I get the following error message: "A
previous installation has pending work requiring a reboot. You need to
restart your computer to complete the installation before running Internet
Explorer Setup. Setup will now close." I can run other installations without
getting this error, and I have tried the reboot, but the message continues to

I've tried removing and adding back Internet Explorer by using the
Add/Remove Windows Components, but that didn't help either. I've run out of
ideas, and need help! Thanks! Jeanne

PA Bear

apopup.dll is not a valid Windows file: You've been hijacked and
reinstalling IE won't help cos the Operating System is what's been hijacked,
not the brower.

Checking for/Help with Hijackware

When all else fails, HijackThis v1.99.1
( is the preferred tool to use.
It will help you to both identify and remove any hijackware/spyware. **Post
your log to, or
for expert analysis, not here.**


This happened to me after installing XP critical security updates. When I
removed the updates that were loaded over the last couple of months, IE
worked again. Then I went back and reinstalled the updates one at a time
until I found two that were problems. One caused IE to not work at all, the
other caused it to crash after loading one page. The two updates are
KB883939 (cumulative security update for IE for XP SP2) and KB8893066
(security update for XP). When these are removed, IE works without any
problems. But now I feel that I have security holes.

PA Bear

See my earlier reply in this thread.

Most likely your crashing isn't caused by either update but by hijackware
that used the vulnerabilities the updates address!


It doesn't seem logical that IE only works properly when the patches have not
been applied. IE only crashes when the updates are installed. You would
think instead that if the holes are open then the hijackware would cause a

PA Bear

Take the other end of the stick: IE may not be working properly when the the
updates *have* been installed because of the hijackware or Trojan.

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