Icon preview in windows explorer gone



Before I installed Nero 7 - in windows explorer when I right clicked in a
folder en choosed view->icon in stead of (list, details....) - I could see
ico files previewed
as they will look like when you want to use them for a program.
Now when I do that they are displayed with a kind of unknwon file type icon.
So now they are all the same, before if you had a airplane icon you could
see it.

Please help


thats's what I meant, but I use dutch version
and in dutch version it's called pictogram.
But I can't see them previewed in windows explorer
in the file window. It's only for the .ICO files not
the icons of programmes.


it's okay now, I believe I found after hours search
a fix written by you on the net, I had to change some
registry stuff and now it's fine.

Maybe you have an anwser why I can't update windows xp proffessional
if I use Menu Start>help and support>download newest updates from
windows update site ?
It connects (tries to) but nothing happens, I only see "connecting".

Greetz Symtex

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