I have 2 exactly the same WINDOWS folders - Normal?



I have WINDOWS folders in C:/Windows and ALSO in C:/Program
files/Windows....I looked them over thoroughly and they are exactly the
same...Is this necessary or can one be removed...I did a non-destructive
hardrive restore, and I dont recall having 2 separate Windows folders as I do
now....I just did a thorough scan of my computer with Avast and it scanned
450,000 files...I never ran Avast before, but the most I ever remeber Norton
scanning was about 220,000 files...I do have about 3 gigs less on my hard
drive than I did before I did the restore, and thats about the size of either
of the 2 WINDOWS folders....I am running XP Home with service pack2.....Also,
I was wondering what the necessity for having Shared user, Current User(Me)
and Default User folder is...The "ME" folder and the Default folder are
alike....do I need them both or can I delete the Default Folder and its
contents...OK...Thanks a lot for any help offered...I appreciate it....Rogue

Pegasus \(MVP\)

babishop said:
I have WINDOWS folders in C:/Windows and ALSO in C:/Program
files/Windows....I looked them over thoroughly and they are exactly the
same...Is this necessary or can one be removed...I did a non-destructive
hardrive restore, and I dont recall having 2 separate Windows folders as I do
now....I just did a thorough scan of my computer with Avast and it scanned
450,000 files...I never ran Avast before, but the most I ever remeber Norton
scanning was about 220,000 files...I do have about 3 gigs less on my hard
drive than I did before I did the restore, and thats about the size of either
of the 2 WINDOWS folders....I am running XP Home with service pack2.....Also,
I was wondering what the necessity for having Shared user, Current User(Me)
and Default User folder is...The "ME" folder and the Default folder are
alike....do I need them both or can I delete the Default Folder and its
contents...OK...Thanks a lot for any help offered...I appreciate

About the two "Windows" folders:
- Click Start / Run
- Type cmd {OK}
- Type echo %SystemRoot% {Enter}
The response tells you where Windows is currently installed.
Presumably it's c:\Windows. If so then you can rename
c:\Program Files\Windows to c:\Program Files\Windows.bad.
Wait a week or two, and if all is well, delete the renamed
folder and empty your Recycle Bin.

About your Profile folders:
- The "Me" folder contains your personal profile and perhaps personal
data. Don't delete it.
- The "All Users" contains the shortcuts that are visible to all users.
It takes very little space. Don't delete it.
- The "Default User" contains the template that is used when you
create a new user on your machine. It takes very little space.
Delete it at your own peril!


Hi Pegasus!...Thanks for the info....That helped and I was pretty sure about
what you wrote but wanted a second opinion...Keep up the good work and God
Bless!...Happy Forthcoming Holidays!!

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