I Got it. And it works! Perfectly so far!



Windows XPSP2 Home Edition Dell Dimension 3000 2.66 GHz 512 MB RAM
100% Successful install, update, and full scan with Widows Defender
1.1.1051.0 Engine 1.1.1185.0 Signatures 1.13.1272.4 Updated 2/16/2006
Update done using update link on Defender and verified using Windows Updates.
The successful install and update also show in the the Event Viewer. I
cursed it before because I have always loved it and all I wanted was for it
to work! I pinned it to the start menu and sent a shortcut to my desktop. I'm
good to go with Defender!!!


Just FYI before I tried this third install,I ran sc /sannow chkdsk /R then
CCleaner and Defrag. Plus I made sure I was clean with McAfee Virusscan and
Windows Live Ssfety Center, since i just got rid of CWS.SVCHOST about a week
ago and had to delete a limited user account that had "unknown malware" in
the user boot sector.

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