Https: with VB



I'm looking for guidance to show developers information about implementing
https using VB so that an application which needs to transfer files securely
from within a VB client app can do so using https:

I'm aware the capability is available but need some guidance about where to
find the detailed information so I can help a developer learn something they
do not already know how to do.

Any help appreciated.


Hi David,

Play with this....

Dim crdential As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("UserName", "Password")
"", crdential)

Friend Function UploadFile(ByVal SourceLocation As String, ByVal
DestinationLocation As String, ByVal Credential As
System.Net.NetworkCredential) As Boolean
Dim Response As String = Nothing, FileSize As Double = 0
UploadFile = False
If SourceLocation.ToString.Trim <> "" And
DestinationLocation.ToString.Trim <> "" Then
'To set Upload settings
Dim UploadRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest =
Uri(DestinationLocation.ToString.Trim)), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
UploadRequest.Credentials = Credential
UploadRequest.Timeout = 60000000
UploadRequest.Method = "PUT"
UploadRequest.ContentLength = New
FileSize = UploadRequest.ContentLength.ToString.Trim

'To set Upload Stream settings
Dim SourceStream As New
System.IO.FileStream(SourceLocation.ToString.Trim, System.IO.FileMode.Open,
System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)
Dim RequestStream As System.IO.Stream =
Dim Buffer(4095) As Byte
Dim Position As Integer = 0, ivlLoop As Integer = 0,
CurLocation As Integer = 0
Position = SourceStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)

While Position <> 0
RequestStream.Write(Buffer, 0, Position)
Position = SourceStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
CurLocation += Position
End While

'To upload Stream on Remote system
Dim WebResponse As System.Net.HttpWebResponse =
CType(UploadRequest.GetResponse(), System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
Dim ResponseReader As New
Response = ResponseReader.ReadToEnd()
UploadFile = True

UploadRequest = Nothing
SourceStream = Nothing
RequestStream = Nothing
WebResponse = Nothing
ResponseReader = Nothing
ElseIf SourceLocation.ToString.Trim = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Source Location is missing")
ElseIf DestinationLocation.ToString.Trim = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Destination Location is missing")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Call MsgBox(ex.ToString)
End Try
End Function


Hi. Thanks for this response.

I presume with just a little effort we could reverse the direction of this
example and have this work for downloading a file TO a client with this
function in the client-side app? (The PUT becomes a GET, etc?).

Again, trying to provide guidance to the developers for them to work this out.


Are you asking me to come up with a sample to do this? I don't imagine it
would be difficult. The reason I gave you what I did was if you are trying
to get your developers a starting point this should do it.

If you are asking for someone to build it for them you need to email me off
list ([email protected] (remove no spam)) to discuss this
situation further.

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