How To Set Permissions On Shared Folders Over A Network



I need help with securing a shared folder over my office
network. My computer runs WXP Pro and I have 4 other
people I would like to share my folder with. 3 of the
users run W2K and the 4th one runs WXP Pro. Simple file
sharing has been turned off on my computer but I have been
unable to keep our entire network from viewing my shared
folder. I would like to only give acces to the four people
I mentioned above. Dose anybody have any idea how I can
give only those four people permission to access and keep
everybody else in the office out?

Please Help,



The first thing that comes to mind is not setting up any
security ( i would still recommend doing so) but infact
just hiding the folder w/ the $

(Adding a dollar sign $ to a share will make it hidden
thru my network places)

for example:

If i was on your network and I had a folder called.. oh
lets say Reports and I didn't want anyone to access it
except for a select few I would right click the share and
go to sharing and security, and (with simple file sharing
off like you said) I would just add a dollar sign to the


Now when going thru my network places it might take awhile
for the actual share to disappear from there..

if you want more information about netcrawl check out;en-
us;256248 )

But now in order to access your share, I don't know if
this is the type of situation you were planning on but you
will either have to map a drive or browse to it manually:


you can map a drive by going to My Computer\Tools\Map
network drive and then providing the path to the share
(\\\reports$) (or \\<computername>\reports$)

I hope that helps ya out!

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"Harley" said:
I need help with securing a shared folder over my office
network. My computer runs WXP Pro and I have 4 other
people I would like to share my folder with. 3 of the
users run W2K and the 4th one runs WXP Pro. Simple file
sharing has been turned off on my computer but I have been
unable to keep our entire network from viewing my shared
folder. I would like to only give acces to the four people
I mentioned above. Dose anybody have any idea how I can
give only those four people permission to access and keep
everybody else in the office out?

Please Help,


Ron Lowe and I have written a web page with full details:

Windows XP Professional File Sharing
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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