How to search Contacts for 'no contact name' or null entry ? (cleaning up my contacts)



I want to clean out my contacts... many I only have an email and no other
fields with data in them...

How can I search for contacts with no entry in a field... like no entry in
the contact name field or no entry in the phone number field?

I tried putting "" in the search field but that didn't seem to work.

Any other idea's on how to delete contacts based on some criteria?



Open the Contacts folder and double click on the header of any field. The
empty field ones will appear and the filled fields ones will be at the end of
the list. You may have to add fields that you want to sort by. All contacts
will have names--none are blank. The email address will appear as a name if
there is no other entry. Double click again to reverse the order. Then double
click the name header to sort by name when you're finished and put it back in
the original order.

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