How to search/index Contacts on arbitrary fields?


Bob Manjoney

How do you search Contacts on fields other than the ones that are supported
by default? If I expand the Instant Search box, it gives me a handful of
common Contact fields, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add/get at a lot
of the other Contact fields to search on, and apparently the indexer doesn't
index the fields I'm interested in..

For example, if I wanted to find a value in my contacts that's stored in
"Organizational ID"..this field doesn't seem to be indexed and isn't
available as a choice in the list of fields to add to the form.


Diane Poremsky

if that a custom field? do you have a form configured that uses that field?


Same problem for me.... I try to search key words that I inputted in "notes"
field. It was a normal procedure for me with previous version. With Outlook
2007, I ccannot fine how to do that..


Diane Poremsky

if the in-place search doesn't work on a field, use advanced find and use
the advanced tab to search a specific field.

But... try a different view. It seems like there is a bug with search and
table view - if you use the address card view it should work. (It does
here.) I don't know the status of this bug - I became aware of it the other

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