how to drag to dvd with XP?



I would like to backup 10's of 100's ... of personal pictures to dvd to
create one source for pics instead of 7 or 8 cds. How can I write these to a

Using; Philips dvd + - RW dvd 8701as the source for files.
Windows XP SP3 explorer for the program...

What programs, whether third party or ..., can I use being a novice computer
user with some knowledge,minimal.
Any help is greatful!



THANK YOU "JS" you have reminded me to try Sonic but sony. It is now working
once again thanks


Though Sonic was for Audio editing, could never get it from a local supplier
so I gave up (for now).

Glad I was of some help.

Bill in Co.

But if this "drag to DVD" software is using that packet-writing mode, it may
not be such a good idea. IOW, it might be better (much more reliable,
and much less potentially problematic), to instead run the program (Nero or
Roxio) directly, and then select the desired files, and then burn the entire
DVD all at once using the DAO (disk at once) mode. I don't think
"drag-to-DVD" does that, does it?


What word is THOUGH?
Did you mean"I though"?

JS said:
Though Sonic was for Audio editing, could never get it from a local
supplier so I gave up (for now).

Glad I was of some help.

Richard in AZ

Thought, as in "I think"?

| What word is THOUGH?
| Did you mean"I though"?
| > Though Sonic was for Audio editing, could never get it from a local
| > supplier so I gave up (for now).
| >
| > Glad I was of some help.
| > JS
| >
| > | >> THANK YOU "JS" you have reminded me to try Sonic but sony. It is now
| >> working
| >> once again thanks
| >>
| >> "JS" wrote:
| >>
| >>> Windows itself can't burn to a DVD but Nero and Roxio has software that
| >>> can.
| >>> Nero:
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> Roxio:
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> Roxio is easier to use.
| >>> Nero is harder to learn but most people will agree has some nice
| >>> features.
| >>>
| >>> Either will do the job.
| >>>
| >>> JS
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>> >I would like to backup 10's of 100's ... of personal pictures to dvd to
| >>> > create one source for pics instead of 7 or 8 cds. How can I write
| >>> > these to
| >>> > a
| >>> > dvd?
| >>> >
| >>> > Using; Philips dvd + - RW dvd 8701as the source for files.
| >>> > Windows XP SP3 explorer for the program...
| >>> >
| >>> > What programs, whether third party or ..., can I use being a novice
| >>> > computer
| >>> > user with some knowledge,minimal.
| >>> > Any help is greatful!
| >>> >
| >>> > plumber2
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >
| >
| >

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