How doI uninstall Outlook Express, I use Outlook 2000?



I wish ot uninstall Outlook Express and continute to exclusively use MS
Outlook, only. When I attempt to use add-on programs to Outlook, they want to
link up with Outlook Express. I can not find Outlook Express in teh
Add/Remove funtion in Cntol Panel. How do I uninstall Outlook Exspress?
Thank you!


I wish ot uninstall Outlook Express and continute to exclusively use MS
Outlook, only. When I attempt to use add-on programs to Outlook, they want to
link up with Outlook Express. I can not find Outlook Express in teh
Add/Remove funtion in Cntol Panel. How do I uninstall Outlook Exspress?
Thank you!

You have posted this message to the wrong news group.
The access in this newsgroup's title refers to Microsoft Access, a
database product.

I would suggest you post to the appropriate Outlook Express newsgroup.

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