How do I make this work



Ok, I am entering all of our companies contracts into an access database.
Some of the contracts are autorenewals and the date needs to be automatically
updated after the year has lapsed. Question 1: How do I create a check box
for those which are autorenewals and make it change the dates once that

Also, I am trying to get this to automatically send out an e-mail to the
signee of the contract when the expiration date is up, How would I go about
doing this?

I appriciate your help in advance, thank you.


contracts are autorenewals and make it change the dates once that passes?
Better than changing the date (Update query) would be a new record on
renewal. Create a macro named Autoexec so that each time the database is
opened it checks what needs to be done.
Use an append query to create renew records. Have a flag field that
indicates not to renew/renewed. A second query, update query, will set the
flag after the new record is appended.
The macro can also run select query and e-mail the signee.

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