how do I make all documents active



I am trying to print a document- a tri-fold brochure. Only 1 segment (1/6)
of the brochure prints. I think it has to do with the fact that this segment
is the only document active in Word windows- according to some instructions
on the program. That instruction says that when I print, it will only print
the "active word window". Does this mean I have to do something to make
other parts of the document "active word window"? When I tried to select the
entire document and then hit print, only this one segment was selected.

How do I make all the documents active?




Without using macros, you can only print one active document window, and
there can be only one active document at any one time. The active window
would be the one your cursor was in at the time you activated the Print

It is unclear from your description how your document is set up. If it is in
multiple documents, you would have to print each one separately over the same
sheet of paper. If (I am guessing is likely the case) it is in one document,
then use the Print Preview command...does the document look the way you want
it to print? If not, if you are seeing multiple pages instead of each part of
the trifold on one page, then most likely there are section breaks that are
not formatted correctly or page breaks where they should not be.

First try viewing your document in Normal view so that you can easily see
the types of breaks between your trifold sections. If indeed they are Section
breaks (and not column or page breaks), then go to the File-Page Setup
command and look at the Layout selection. it should be the New Column type
under Section Start.

Another option is to remove all the sections breaks completely and use
Column Breaks instead of Section Breaks. Of course, if you have accidentally
used Page Breaks intead of Column Breaks, that could also be the problem.
Simple column breaks can be inserted using Shift-CTL-Enter (CTL-Enter
produces a Page break). To effectively use column breaks, you would want your
tri-fold document to be set up for three columns (go to Format-Columns), or
you could create a table with three columns (and two rows, one for each for
back and front) which may give you somewhat better control over your layout
and allow you to work around the compliactions of all these breaks.

If none of this helps, let me know more about your document setup and what
the print preview looks like and I'll try to figure out what is going on.

--robin a.k.a. rbyteme

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