How do I get Outlook to correctly say how many messages I have?



Hi. I keep my computer on standby or hibernate it, instead or shutting it
down completely - but when I 'power it up' again, at the screen that tells me
I'm logged on and how many programs I've got running - I also see how many
mail messages I've got, that are unread, in my three accounts. There seems to
be some 'phantom' email messages that I can't seem to make go away from this
screen - so that Outlook just tells me the messages that I have that are
actually unread. I've checked in all locations on my email servers for any
stray messages - but can find none to either delete or 'mark as read'. I've
restarted my computer, but when I hibernate it, and then return it to a fully
operational state - the '4 unread mail messages' sign is still there. What do
I do? How can I ensure Outlook is giving me accurate information about the
number of unread mail messages I have when I'm at this screen? Many Thanks.

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