How can I get Windows Mail to work in Vista?


Jack in Pickering

I set up my Internet connection with my ISP provider exactly as I did on my
old laptop with XP Pro. Internet access works fine, I can send and receive
emails with Gmail and Yahoo, but with Windows Mail, nothing works. I can't
send or receive emails. I'm using the same ID and pasword with my email
address ([email protected]) as I did on my old laptop.
I transferred all my emails from Outlook Express (in XP Pro) to Windows Mail
- I put them temporarily into another folder, not into Inbox, Outbox, etc.
When I start Windows Mail, it says that it is loading messages (several
hundred) but I cannot see any of them. When I put the cursor on the temporary
folder (or subfolders) containing my old emails, it says that there are no
Help, help, help - I need to get this to work.

Gary VanderMolen

You have two separate problems, so we'll only tackle one for now.
In order to find out why you can't send and receive, right-click on
the error messages, copy, then paste into a reply here.


Jack in Pickering said:
I set up my Internet connection with my ISP provider exactly as I did on my
old laptop with XP Pro. Internet access works fine, I can send and receive
emails with Gmail and Yahoo, but with Windows Mail, nothing works. I can't
send or receive emails. I'm using the same ID and pasword with my email
address ([email protected]) as I did on my old laptop.
I transferred all my emails from Outlook Express (in XP Pro) to Windows
- I put them temporarily into another folder, not into Inbox, Outbox, etc.
When I start Windows Mail, it says that it is loading messages (several
hundred) but I cannot see any of them. When I put the cursor on the
folder (or subfolders) containing my old emails, it says that there are no
Help, help, help - I need to get this to work.

Did you import the Outlook Express files into Windows Mail after making
sure the are read-write instead of readonly, instead of just copying them?



For Gmail:

Note that you have to choose either the POP method or the IMAP
method - don't get them mixed up.

In the US, getting Yahoo to work with Windows Mail requires an
extra cost Yahoo account or the YPOPs program:

For Rogers:

Jack in Pickering

When I hit "Receive All" or "Send & Receive All", amessage flashes by so fast
that I can't read it. After hitting a dozen times or more, I was able to
piece together the quick-flashing message. It says, "The selected tasks were
completed successfully", yet nothing happens, no messages appear. There is
definitely email out there somewhere waiting to get to me. I know because I
have sent test emails from gmail and friends have sent emails. I was normally
getting (on Outlook Express) 15 or more emails every day (newsletters,
messages, etc.) and nothing since I switched to Windows Mail. There must be
about 3 weeks' worth of emails waiting to be delivered to my (e-mail address removed)

I composed a new message and hit "Send". I got a message saying, "The
message could not be sent.", "An error has occurred.", and an underlined blue
note that say's "Get help from communities." When I tried to "X out" from
this new message that I created, I got the standard, "Do you want to save
changes to this message?" I hit "Yes" and I got a message saying, "Cannot
save this message.".

As you can see, Windows Mail is totally useless for me right now. Do I have
to go back to my old computer to use Outlook Express in XP Pro? Is that my
only option?

Jack in Pickering

None of the files that I imported were "read only". In fact, when I start
Windows Mail, a box appears that says, "Processing..." and I can see numbers
counting up as it loads all my old messages. There are at least 30 folders
and sub-folders, some with hundreds of messages. They are all in a separate
"main" folder. I didn't want to put them into inbox, sent, etc. until I can
get Windows Mail working. Thanks.

Gary VanderMolen

As for the sending error, check the contents of the Outbox folder
and delete what's there. If one or more messages won't delete,
let us know.

As for receiving, it sounds like interference from your antivirus.
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee and Norton
security programs. Those will need to be uninstalled, NOT just disabled.
I suggest that you do a temporary uninstall of your antivirus.
You can always reinstall it if there is no improvement.

If there is improvement, download and install a more
compatible antivirus like:

AVG free edition:
Avast free edition:

With either of those, during the install phase you must select custom
install, and then deselect the email scanning option.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Tools | Accounts
Select an account.
Click Properties.
Check the box on the bottom to Include this account.
Do this for each account you want included.

Jack in Pickering

Re your suggestion on Sending: When I look at Outbox folder, it says "No
items in this view"., as it says for every folder within Windows Mail.

Re your suggestion on Receiving: I have McAfee, which came with my computer,
along with Vista Home Premium, from Dell. Dell should have known about this
problem, if it is indeed a problem, and should not have offered McAfee with
Vista - but that's another issue. I will uninstall McAfee and see what
happens with Windows Mail. What is the big problem? It seems to me that
neither McAfee nor Norton took the time and effort to ensure that their
products work with Windows Mail. Or could it be a deliberate move by
Microsoft to subvert those two antivirus programs/companies? It does look
suspect. I will however try your suggestion. Thank you.

Harrison Phillips

I have the same problem as Jack and it has nothing to do with transferred
files and the problem did not start until about 4 months after I started
using the new Dell computer. I was able to cure the sending problem this
morning by downloading a HotFix from Microsoft. But I can not now send or
save a new email. Sometimes everything works for a short time after I
reboot. But after deleting a few files or some other actions I can no longer
delete files and if I change folders the program reverts back to no access to
that folder or any other folder.


Looks like it may actually be a different problem. What if any antivirus
programs do you have? Some of the cause assorted problems in
Windows Mail, although seldom immediately.

Also, do you have the Google Toolbar, which also causes problems
in Windows Mail?

Harrison Phillips

Yes I have McAffey and Google. I don't mind getting rid of the Google stuff
but was heitant about McAffey. I guess I'll have to do it. A previous post
said to disable email checking in the replacement security program. Isn't
that what it is for?


Uninstall the Google Toolbar to get rid of any problems it causes.

Email scanning only lets you detect viruses a little sooner, before they
get out of the email message, and doesn't help you otherwise. It also
causes assorted problems in Windows Mail.

As far as I know, most if not all versions of the McAfee antivirus
program don't offer the choice of disabling email scanning but
not the rest of the program, and even disabling the whole program
doesn't help. You have to uninstall them instead. You then often
have to run this cleanup program to handle what the uninstall left


You may even have to remove your email account under Windows
Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

If this cures your problem, you may want a replacement
antivirus program that doesn't cause such problems.
I recommend either avast! or AVG, either one with a
custom install that tells it to leave out the part that scans

Harrison Phillips

Thank you for your help. My computer works better now than it did when I
received it. Even the Mail program oddities like not being able to delete
messages etc have been solved. I did not have to redo my email account but
did do everything else.


You're welcome.

Harrison Phillips said:
Thank you for your help. My computer works better now than it did when I
received it. Even the Mail program oddities like not being able to delete
messages etc have been solved. I did not have to redo my email account
did do everything else.

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