hotmail freezes IE 6



Starting a week or 2 ago after no aparent change to system settings

everytime i open up mail from my hotmail account. IE freezes... and than i
am forced to end the app via ctrl alt del

does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

Jim Byrd

Hi Steve - The following was posted in another thread by Hippo101 and may
be relevant to your problem:

"For those who still have problems with Hotmail and that have MSN
Messenger on thier computer...

Go in Tools > Internet Options>

Click on "Security", select "Internet" and then "Custom Level"
Searche for "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" and disable it.

Disabling this will prevent Hotmail from showing the MSN Messenger
status near your email adress on your hotmail account. If it is
disabled, MSN Messenger wont be asked to run which is most-likely the
cause of the problem.

Try it and tell if it works. It worked for me and I want to see if it
can work for other people. Thx !"

If that works for you, then:

Do you have MSN Messenger installed? If so, and you don't use
it, you might try disabling or uninstalling it and then see if Hotmail then
works with ActiveX enabled. (You need ActiveX for Windows Update, etc.)
Read all of the following carefully.

1. See here to disable it: How to prevent Windows Messenger from running
on a Windows XP-based computer Read carefully.

2. A simpler method to completely uninstall it if you don't use it which
you may want to try (rather than messing around in the Registry to just
disable it unless you're very comfortable with that) is to be sure you Exit
from Messenger by right-clicking the MSN icon in the notification area, and
selecting Exit. Then go to Start|Run then enter exactly (I would copy/paste

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemRoot%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Then uninstall the leftover installation information file by going to
Start|Run then entering:

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128

Then reboot.

3. If you wish, you can ensure that MSN Messenger is shown in Add-Remove
Windows Components so that you can restore it at some later time if you so
desire by going to Start|Run and entering:

notepad.exe %systemRoot%\INF\sysoc.inf

When this file opens in Notepad, look for a line that starts "msmsgs="
and then delete the word "hide" if there and go to File|Save, then exit

Then reboot.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


Mark Renoden [MSFT]

Hi Steve

I've resolved this in the past by simply clearing History, Cookies and
Temporary Internet Files ...

Tools -> Internet Options -> General tab.

Kind regards
Mark Renoden [MSFT]
Windows Platform Support Team
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Please note you'll need to strip ".online" from my email address to email
me; I'll post a response back to the group.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I had the same problem - and thanks to some fine help here on the
newsgroups (namely Jim Byrd, Ron Bogart and Wichert Akkerman), I can tell you
that it is fixed by removing MSN Messenger v6.2. Reboot the computer after
ininstall and IE will work like new.

Don't you love Microsoft? Even their own products aren't compatible with
one another ...


PA Bear

MSN/Hotmail support also tells us that those running WinXP SP2 should be
running MSN Messenger v6.2.0137 to avoid problems.


Clearing the history worked for me.
(on Windows 2000, MSN Messenger v6.2.0137 )
Tools -> Internet Options -> General tab > Temporary Internet Files > Delete Files

jagoogle(MS-MVF) - Most Valuable Fixer)


PA said:
MSN/Hotmail support also tells us that those running WinXP SP
should be
running MSN Messenger v6.2.0137 to avoid problems.

That doesn't work either... I have SP 2 with 6.2.0137 and I still hav
the problem. I use Trillian instead of MSN for my IM needs - so MSN i
rarely (but not never) running on my machine. However, another way t
fix the problem is to actually have MSN running when going to hotmail
Removing MSN doesn't necessarily work for me, but having it running i
an annoying work around!

Actually, I'm guessing this is a security issue that it even tries t
start an application on your computer without telling you. Ugh, why d
they have to do this - why don't they just check the connection statu
on their own servers if they want to show it.

Here's a question - If I'm logged into MSN, and my wife logs int
hotmail, whose status will be shown in her hotmail?

Am I ever glad I don't use Hotmail/MSN regularly



If you disable the "Run" option, doesn't it cause problems with sites that
require ActiveC controls - like the Microsoft communities, for example?
Although it's annoying to have to do it all the time, I've used the "Prompt"
option, allowing ActiveX when I need to. I'm still searching for a better way
'tho :)


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