Help with Winfix2005


ECLiPSE 2002

My sister in law has inadvertently done something to get a Winfix 2005
popup which she says is causing her problems with accessing Internet
Explorer browser searches and her Outlook Express email - apparently
the popup blocks these efforts.

Can someone provide insight into what Winfix 2005 is and any simple
method(s) for removing this curse?

Any assistance would be appreciated.


David H. Lipman

From: "ECLiPSE 2002" <[email protected]>

| My sister in law has inadvertently done something to get a Winfix 2005
| popup which she says is causing her problems with accessing Internet
| Explorer browser searches and her Outlook Express email - apparently
| the popup blocks these efforts.
| Can someone provide insight into what Winfix 2005 is and any simple
| method(s) for removing this curse?
| Any assistance would be appreciated.
| Frank

Two phase answer...

Phase 1
Download Adware-Virtumundo Removal Tool v1.5 --

Information on the Adware-Virtumundo Removal Tool:

Phase 2
Download WinFixerFix.exe from the URL --

Execute; WinFixerFix.exe { Note: You must accept the default of C:\McAfee }
Choose; Unzip
Choose; Close

NOTE: You may have to disable your software FireWall or allow WGET.EXE to go through your
FireWall to enable WGET.EXE to download the needed McAfee related files.

Execute; c:\mcafee\clean.bat
{ or Double-click on 'Clean Link' in c:\mcafee }

A final report in HTML format called C:\mcafee\ScanReport.HTML will be generated. At the
end of the scan, it will be displayed in your browser (Opera, FireFox or Internet Explorer).
It is suggested that you move the report out of c:\mcafee before performing another scan.
It would be a good idea to scan in Safe Mode and in Normal Mode and save a copy of the HTML
report for each session.

* * * Please report back your results * * *

ECLiPSE 2002

Many thanks Dave - I will forward your response to my sister in law
and let you know what her experience was. I am still unsure how she
got Winfix 2005?


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