Help with latest update madness



Well, the latest update from Microsoft has done wonders. Now my Norton doesnt
work, my sound card does not work (from windows anyway), my ups software wont
run, my microsoft mouse and keyboard HID functions are gone, my registry wont
save or load and Microsoft wants $35 an hour to tell me that they cant fix it.
I cant believe that MS did not know that these problems would happen, in
fact, I'm sure they did! Mr Gates, is this for some extra billions or just
proving a point over the active X thing?
Well, dont let my humorous demeaner imply that I'm not P.O.'d!
I have lost two days worth of work because of this!
Anyone who may have already started a class action lawsuit over this, please
email me at (e-mail address removed).
Also, any techi that may know how to restore my computer.
(system restore and update uninstall all no good).
Oh yeah, Mr Gates, please dont kill my family and end the world for being
mad at your public service, customer oriented company.


Chuck said:
Well, the latest update from Microsoft has done wonders. Now my Norton doesnt
work, my sound card does not work (from windows anyway), my ups software wont
run, my microsoft mouse and keyboard HID functions are gone, my registry wont
save or load and Microsoft wants $35 an hour to tell me that they cant fix it.
I cant believe that MS did not know that these problems would happen, in
fact, I'm sure they did! Mr Gates, is this for some extra billions or just
proving a point over the active X thing?
Well, dont let my humorous demeaner imply that I'm not P.O.'d!
I have lost two days worth of work because of this!
Anyone who may have already started a class action lawsuit over this, please
email me at (e-mail address removed).
Also, any techi that may know how to restore my computer.
(system restore and update uninstall all no good).
Oh yeah, Mr Gates, please dont kill my family and end the world for being
mad at your public service, customer oriented company.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...
My help and support window locks the computer! Nice! Thanks again!

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Perhaps the following will explain & resolve your issue:

Problems in Windows Explorer or the Windows shell
after you install security update MS06-015

Easy Fix: Visit and scroll
down to Item No. 383 "Hewlett-Packard's Share-to-Web software - Fix (MS06-015)"
to download a registry fix.

Note: You may need to temporarily disable your antivirus program
in order to safely run the scripted fix.

Also, review the following:

MS06-013: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer ActiveX compatibility patch for Mshtml.dll

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Well, the latest update from Microsoft has done wonders. Now my Norton doesnt
| work, my sound card does not work (from windows anyway), my ups software wont
| run, my microsoft mouse and keyboard HID functions are gone, my registry wont
| save or load and Microsoft wants $35 an hour to tell me that they cant fix it.
| Hmmm.
| I cant believe that MS did not know that these problems would happen, in
| fact, I'm sure they did! Mr Gates, is this for some extra billions or just
| proving a point over the active X thing?
| Well, dont let my humorous demeaner imply that I'm not P.O.'d!
| I have lost two days worth of work because of this!
| Anyone who may have already started a class action lawsuit over this, please
| email me at (e-mail address removed).
| Also, any techi that may know how to restore my computer.
| (system restore and update uninstall all no good).
| Oh yeah, Mr Gates, please dont kill my family and end the world for being
| mad at your public service, customer oriented company.
| Thanks


I must say, you do get around. Thanks for the response though.
I have read those articles so many times I cant stand it.
The link that you keep putting into your replies "tweaks.htm" has been bad
since I first saw it. It goes no place.
I have completed all of the supposed remedies, set my restore back a week,
removed all the patches...
At least I can browse with one registry fix.
It would appear that an update has replaced a file and wont put it back.
I disabled all of my HP software from startup and still same stuff.
This is Bill putting a down payment on some country or another.
But, thanks anyway Carey. Hope your Easter was nice.

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