help with a macro

  • Thread starter Stephen Larivee
  • Start date

Stephen Larivee

I created a macro. I went into cell E1, copied the contents, and then used
the arrow key to move to the left to insert in A1. Works fine. I would
like to then go down the E column and go to another row, let's say E7, run
the macro and have it insert the contents into A7. When I do this, the
contents keep getting inserted in A1. How can I make the Pasted cell
relative to the Copied cell??


Claus Busch

Hi Stephen,

Am Thu, 8 Jul 2010 12:11:17 -0400 schrieb Stephen Larivee:
I created a macro. I went into cell E1, copied the contents, and then used
the arrow key to move to the left to insert in A1. Works fine. I would
like to then go down the E column and go to another row, let's say E7, run
the macro and have it insert the contents into A7. When I do this, the
contents keep getting inserted in A1. How can I make the Pasted cell
relative to the Copied cell??

try this:
ActiveCell.Copy _
Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4)

Claus Busch

Stephen Larivee

Worked out great!!!! Thanks a lot.

Claus Busch said:
Hi Stephen,

Am Thu, 8 Jul 2010 12:11:17 -0400 schrieb Stephen Larivee:

try this:
ActiveCell.Copy _
Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4)

Claus Busch

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